Why are prices for crab legs going up at Coast casino buffets?

which casino has crab legs on friday

which casino has crab legs on friday - win

Don't do drugs, don't get wasted, and don't try to fight someone twice your size.

Just read a fight story on here, and was reminded of one of my own. Sorry for the book.

I'd just come on shift late at night at the casino job i was working, and i'm on all the way to the morning. I've been awake for about 30 minutes, and it's my Friday. I'm looking at the chair at the Security desk like it's just baked me a plate of cookies and wants to give me a rub down. One guy is getting off and leaving, and the other guy i'm on with for another couple hours. He gives me the run down on the nights events so far and where things stand in the casino. He shows me a picture of a guy and tells me he was kicked out about an hour ago, and that he was highly intoxicated. I'm looking at the picture and asking if we have his name. He tells me he doesn't think so, and l start checking our system to see if someone has ID'd someone with his description at some time. The guy is about 5'8" and a stalky 160lbs. I'm asking what happened and if there's an incident report on it or if we can expect any other paperwork coming down from the top. We're discussing it, and i look up at the security monitors and guess who is coming through the front door.
"Is this the guy, coming in now?"
"Yeah. I got this."
I was glad my partner took the lead on this one. I've literally been on the clock for 2 minutes.
"Hey! You know you can't be here. We've already been over this."
"I just want a drink!" he says
He initially wanted to blow by us but my partner was able to keep him calm enough to keep him from blowing up. My partner managed to trick him into giving up his ID so we can get his name. I don't remember exactly, but i think he got him to talk about his heritage (my partner was a pacific islander and so was the person in question) saying he didn't believe him and ask what his last name was, and then telling him he had to show him his ID to get him to believe it. I think he must have handed it off to me, and i put him in our ID scanner system because i remember having his ID in front of me. My partner negotiated that he would call him a cab if he waits for it outside. The drunk guy agrees and my partner goes to call a cab, giving me a significant look that clearly said "keep an eye on this one."
I sit back down in my chair, and the guy is not leaving. And worse, he's agitating. I'm sitting there straight up ignoring him, as he just talks and talks, but he wants trouble.
"Is this all you do? You just sit here doing nothing all day. You little bitch."
All i can do is sigh. I wasn't concerned with what he was saying. I've heard it all before. My concern was with his bodily behavior. Loose, unconcerned, and dangerous. This guy is spun on something other than alcohol, and I can see where this is going, so i get up to get rid of him. I just want to settle into that rub down from the sexy security chair until i fully wake up, but i've got to get rid of this guy first.
"Come on, let's go wait for your cab, it's on the way, you're going to want to be outside when it gets here."
He comes with me.
Just inside the front door we had kind of a foyer with a couple leather seats, a leather couch, side tables, and a glass top coffee table. He stops walking with me and sits at the couch. Now, i'm not totally against him waiting for his cab there, except i know i'm going to have to babysit him if he does, and i don't want to have to do that. Especially because he's already been kicked out and isn't supposed to be on the property at all. Period. I can understand my partner wanting to resolve this whole thing peacefully and easily, but if i had taken the lead on this one, the guy is leaving, now, one way or another, and he's clearly just...not right. I want him far away.
"Hey, come on, you're not going to see your cab from in here."
"I don't need it. I'm not going anywhere. I just want a drink!"
"We can't give you anything else to drink."
After some confrontation i'm content to just leave him there and wait for my partner to finish calling the cab and then he can watch him. It's just not worth escalating. But it wasn't to be. He defiantly picked up his feet and slammed them down on the glass top coffee table. Well that's not going to do. I'm the one who has to clean that thing, and i'm not too happy to have to clean up skid marks from rubber boots.
I tell him as much and he takes his feet down. I tell him to get up and wait for his cab outside. He defiantly picks his feet back up, and slams them back down on the table. Toddlers. Drunk gamblers are nothing but toddlers. Well i'm not going to clean up broken glass, and he's messing up the table, so i grab the table, drag it from under his feet, and place it behind me.
"Stand up, it's time to go." There is just something about him. He's not right. He's fully engaged, but his mind is not all there.
He does get up. I set myself about 45 degrees and a step away from him, gesturing toward the door, giving him a clear avenue.
"Let's go! There's the door."
And then he hit me. In hindsight i should have seen it coming. I gave him every opportunity to do it. His fist struck in my lower abdomen, but it took me a second to register. I was actually happy he'd chosen this route. It simplifies things. No negotiating, no civility necessary, and no customer service needed. I have license to stick my boot up his ass and wear him like a shoe. My first reaction was to call on my boxing training, and the violence of my football and wrestling experience. Unfortunately, my training took over and i went into no injury capture mode. I guess i just don't have it in me to beat some rando senseless.
I grabbed him under-hook with my right arm and dragged him to the ground. We both go down, but i keep hold of him and pull him up, pushing him forward through the push-pull door to the atrium, where he falls down next to a water feature before the automatic doors that open up to the outside. I admit that i deliberately tried to open the push-pull doors with his face but he managed to put his hands up first. I can hear people behind me screaming and someone yelled "Oh my God! They're fighting!" I'm already on top of the guy, working him into a pretzel, instincts i guess from wrestling for a decade, when my partner comes barrelling in and dives on top, too. This gives me an opportunity to get a hold of surveillance (I think it was actually on my partners radio. Fights are hectic.) and have them get the police on the way and start getting good footage. I didn't need to, they were already on it. Turns out they were also doing a shift change at the same time we were, and were having the same conversation me and my partner were having when they saw the guy walking in.
I put the guy in a cradle (this except from on top, if that makes sense) and stood up with him. I have to tell my partner to let go of him. I walked him through the automatic doors and dropped him on the pavement. He tried to get up and scurry away, but i gave him a shove and he fell flat on the ground where i sat on top of him, my weight deliberately back on his hips so that i have control of him but also to make sure i'm not cutting off his ability to breathe. I'd learned years previously that putting weight too far forward, putting too much weight on the diaphragm, could actually suffocate someone. This is where it becomes apparent that he's spun up on something. According to surveillance, the time between him hitting me, and him hitting the pavement outside was about 25 seconds. I was too quick for him to fight back, but now he had his chance, about 10 minutes worth, while we waited for the police, but this tiny guy, about 160lbs, starts doing what amounts to pushups with me on his back, shaking to try and get me off. The veins in his neck or bulging and he's screaming. I weigh close to 300lbs. This shouldn't be possible.
I have good position over him, so it doesn't matter what kind of hulk strength he comes up with, he's not going anywhere. If he manages to out muscle me, or gain advantage by getting his hips out, i planned on slipping him into a crab ride and rolling him. (Crab ride is what i know it as. Don't know what other people call it. Legs wrapped around the outside of theirs from the rear, feet hooked inside their knees, arms under hooked from behind like a backpack, and cheek pressed into their back to protect from elbows and bashes from the back of their head) He starts kicking and throwing elbows. My partner sits on his lower legs, and i take his right arm, roll it under him, and put it in a vertical bar in the center of his back. He's not doing anything with one arm. No cuffs and no gear for this job (Stupid state laws. Which is why i had gear in my car, but that hardly helps me at this point), so i just have to hold him like this for a while.
He's done. He keeps struggle but to no avail. He starts yelling things like "let me go" and whatever, but i just told him "Nope, we're just going to sit here and wait for the police. Next time don't pick a fight with someone twice your size...and throw a better punch." I have this great visual memory of the on duty manager (not the pit boss i've talked about before) standing over us with my radio in his hands, which had fallen off in the scuffle, talking to surveillance, but not daring to get his hands dirty.
The police arrive. I think 3 cars in total but 5 guys. They come to take over. I help cuff him because i've already got one of his arms, and he resists them with the other one, but two guys wrench his other arm around and get the other cuff on. I look to the police officers for direction, but they don't really offer any, so i kind of gesture to switch out with an officer, and push both hands in the center of the guys back while i stand up to keep him from trying to base up. Once i'm up, i remove my hands and, i guess sensing freedom, he goes nuts. A couple of the cops hop on the bull ride and i step back. They search him and two guys drag him by his arms to the back of an Explorer. One of the officers comes to me and asks what happened, and i tell him. And he asks if i'm going to want to press charges. I tell him no, we just need him formally trespassed, and taken out of here. They say they're going to probably be taking him to detox anyway.
I know a lot of the officers, so we're standing around talking for a minute. The guy starts going nuts in the back of the Explorer, kicking and head banging, screaming...the whole works. They put their heads together for a minute and decide they have to go in and hog tie him. I've seen this done one of three ways. One involves a taser, a lot of paperwork, and EMT's. One involves OC spray, EMT's, one very pissed off officer whose vehicle is now contaminated, and a sizable amount of paperwork. The third involves five police officers and still more paperwork. They choose five guys and paperwork.
They line up on both sides of the back doors and open them both up. The first guys on each side dive in and try to force him out to the waiting arms of the other officers. In the struggle, he spins around and kicks one of the officers in the chest, forcing him back. Seeing a little bit of daylight, he manages to scoot around and throw himself out of the vehicle to glorious fresh air...Except he's handcuffed with his hands behind his back and does a majestic dolphin dive face first into the pavement instead.
The officers pile back on top of him and calm him down with knees on the back of his neck, back, and his legs which they have now tied up to his handcuffs. Now that the guy has officially messed himself up, they have to call EMT's, anyway, and do all the extra paperwork, i'm sure. One of the officers is standing at the guys head with no real-estate left to place his own knee. The subject hawks back and spits at him. The officer steps back and gives this exact expression and look. I recognized it instantly from this movie and laughed.
"Did he just spit on you?" one of the officers says.
"He spit at me, yeah" the other one responds.
They have to put the spit mask on him. They should have just tased him to begin with, but that's just me.
It's probably another 10 minutes for the EMT's to get there. I'm just watching all this from about 10 yards away. It's great. Customers, who have never given the littlest rabbit turd shit about me, are coming out asking if i'm alright and watching the show. It's the most concern i've ever felt working security. He's screaming at the top of his lungs "POLICE BRUTALITY! POLICE BRUTALITY!" Wish i were the surveillance guys so i could play that footage back anytime i wanted. (I'm sorry if i come off as less than empathetic) After i get my radio back i make sure the surveillance guys in the back are getting a good play by play for their video. It becomes more of a show than i can describe on here.
Eventually the EMT's get there and all the police officers help get him onto the gurney and tied down. I don't know if they gave him a sedative, or if they're aloud to do that, but i would have. I felt really bad for the EMT's. They throw him in the back of the ambulance, tied down, and take him away. Some of the officers go with them obviously, but the rest are standing around and we're just talking. My partner that night knows those guys better than me from his previous job, so they're catching up.
"Well, i've got to go start some paperwork." I tell them, dismissing myself.
"Yeah. We've got a bit to do, too."
I went back inside and did my paperwork, got and shared necessary information with surveillance, got some paperwork from them, processed some paperwork, and finished the next 7 hours of my shift and started my weekend.
I went home and went to sleep. When i woke up i looked up the guys name in the city, county, and nearby jail systems, but he didn't show up in any of them. I thought it was weird because surely he had a few charges on him (kicking a police officer in the chest, spitting at said officers for instance) now even though i declined to press any. Destruction of public property, resisting arrest, and assault on a peace officer came to mind. I guess it's possible they patched him up, put him in a drunk tank, and released him in the morning, but i thought it was unlikely. When i got back to work on my Monday i learned what happened. One of the Shift Managers knew a guy at the county detention center and told me that when they pulled the guy out of detox in the morning, he was still spun up on whatever (supposedly PCP) he took, and when they put him in front of a judge, he tried to take a lunge at him, so they chucked him back in a cell. I'm pretty sure that counts as some kind of threat to a public official. This story was corroborated by my partner who inquired with some of the officers he's friends with that dealt with him. When i got home i checked on him again, and sure enough, he was processed later on in the day i'd checked originally. Last i heard, he had out-standings in another state and they hadn't decided what to do with him yet. I never checked on him again after that, though, and have since forgotten his name.
Do yourselves a favor: don't pick a fight with someone twice your size, whose job involves getting in fights with people. All this guy had to do was leave. No police, no charges, no jail, nothing. Instead he's probably since been extradited to whatever state he had out-standings in and has an intimate relationship with a 6 foot, 9 inch (those are separate measurements) guy named Tyrone.
submitted by sam05_MrRoboto to talesfromsecurity [link] [comments]

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Trip Report - Craps at Horseshoe Tunica and Roadhouse

Hi all,
Reviewing my trip this weekend 8/31/18-9/2/18 to Horseshoe Tunica and next door at Tunica Roadhouse. Both properties are CET and generally share offers between the two. I am somewhat loyal to Caesar as they have been giving me pretty good offers this year. I stayed at Roadhouse as it was about $30 cheaper in total and the casino floors are no more than a 2 minute walk from each other. Total bankroll for the trip is $1,500.
Horseshoe has about 10 tables with I think 3-4 of them being crapless. I'm not sure of the table dimensions, but they are all relatively low bounce felt compared to other casinos I have played at. All offer 100X free odds with the 12 paying 3X in the Field.
There were 3-4 standard tables open, all at $10 except 1 at $5 which I joined. I play 3 point molly with 3-4-5 odds for about 3 hours which is about an hour longer than I generally will play in a session. Getting up or down a few hundred at any one time and was enjoying the table so time was flying. I asked and was given a comp for a dinner buffet, which is seafood/crab legs on Friday and Saturday nights. Good food but I was also pretty sauced by then and would have enjoyed just about anything.
Went back to the table around 8 and played for another hour before the pit boss came over and said they were raising the minimum to $10. They would not grandfather me in after I asked. That sucks but whatever. I color up, up about $200 for the night.
I give the Horseshoe an A for quality of tables and dealers. The crews I had were top notch. Friendly and very good at keeping the table going even when things get crazy. After playing at quite a few casinos this year, in my opinion good dealers go a very long way in my enjoyment at the table. They are also relatively liberal with comps. I think as long as you play about an hour and tip the dealers regularly you can get a dinner buffet comped.
Roadhouse has 3 tables, 2 crapless and 1 standard. The standard table has 20X free odds and the 12 pays 2X on the Field. I came over here after leaving the Horseshoe since I was up, kinda drunk, and here to gamble. $5 tables all around. The dealers here are a mix of vets and brand spanking new dealers. I was constantly having to correct the dealer on my end. Trying to take my Come bet on a 7 out. Trying to take my odds on the Come on a 7 on the come out when my odds were off. It was honestly too stressful to really enjoy because I felt like I was directing traffic at a busy table and the Box wasn't much help either. You never would have known these two casinos were run by the same company literally next door to each other. At some point I'm down around $400 and the dealers are pushing me over the edge so I call it for the night.
Saturday morning I get up early because I love to gamble and tables should be cheap early. Walk over to the Horseshoe and there's only 1 standard table open and it's $10. Bummer. Head back to Roadhouse where the $5 table is open with a few folks playing. It had to be the very first day for the dealer on my end. WOOF. I'm getting annoyed writing this up just thinking about it. At this point I think I would have enjoyed myself more just playing the $10 table and scaling my bets down accordingly. Leave after an hour up $100 to go bet on Ole Miss ML at the new sportsbook at the Horseshoe. Actually got 5 cents better of line at the Horseshoe than at any of my offshore books.
After the football winner and a nap, I headed to Horseshoe and thankfully there was a $5 table running. Unfortunately it was my worst session of craps of all time. Down $200 within 15 minutes, I keep telling myself it will get better...False. Get 3 points out there...7. Again and again. Make a little run...2-3 P7O. To top it all off, when I was rolling, I hit maybe one number over 2 hours. Couldn't even count on myself smdh. Down $900 I ask for a dinner buffet and got it. Crab legs made me feel a little better.
I call it an early night as that ass kicking really stung. I broke my own rule of getting out if I get wrecked early so I can live for another session. Serves me right.
Played at Roadhouse for about an hour this morning, but still having PTSD about last night and colored up once I was up about $150.
All in all it was a good trip. Even during the disaster Saturday night, the dealers and tablemates were fun to be around. If you can make the trip to Tunica, I would highly recommend Horseshoe for craps, not so much Roadhouse unless you absolutely need a $5 table and don't mind training their dealers for them.

TLDR: Horseshoe is the best place in Tunica for craps. Best dealers and odds. 50/50 shot of being a $5 table on the weekends. Roadhouse pretty much sucks unless you want to train their dealers while you play. 100% chance of a $5 table on the weekends. Also cut your losses early and live to fight another session. This is my favorite game in the world but man did it kick my ass this weekend.
submitted by kickingassets to Craps [link] [comments]

which casino has crab legs on friday video

CRAB LEGS, ALL YOU CAN EAT! from Potawatomi - YouTube Beautiful Women on Friday Night Cartagena Colombia 4K ... Happy Holidays from River City Casino Which BEST FRIEND Goes MISSING First? (Worst GAME MASTER ... The Buffet at Wynn Las Vegas - Lunch Buffet VIP Pass Crab Legs 2019 Crab Cellar: All-You-Can-Eat Crab Legs Taken to the Max ... Casino Tells Jackpot Winners Machine Malfunctioned - YouTube FIGHT CRAB - YouTube Dancing Crab Legs Market Place Buffet at Rampart Casino Summerlin Las Vegas NV

The answer is still no but there’s an option available every Friday in March. The Kitchen Buffet located inside the Kansas Star Casino has brought back their crag legs buffet for this month only. The price is $34.95 if you show them you B Connected players card which is free for everyone or it’s regularly $36.95. It runs from 4pm – 10pm. Horizon buffet is like all the other casino buffets with typical buffet food other thsn on Friday nights they serve all the snow crab you can eat for $27 As crab legs go they were very good with only a few legs soggy So for the money on a Friday night you may enjoy the unlimited food from Horizon Buffet enriched with tons of crab legs My husband has been craving crab legs since coming back from our vacation. We usually do buffet style since we eat a lot of them. I know both casinos here in Columbus offer them on Friday nights but I've never been to either of them.. Which Casino… Camel Rock Casino: Crab Legs on Friday - See 60 traveler reviews, 17 candid photos, and great deals for Santa Fe, NM, at Tripadvisor. Santa Fe Tourism Santa Fe Hotels What Casino Near Me Has All You Can Eat Crab Legs; All You Can Eat Crabs; Wandering Horse Buffet is currently closed for all dining options. Please check back for updates and new options or sign up for email updates to be the first to know about changes. Our award-winning buffet offers the best of Italian, Asian, Mexican, Mediterranean and American cuisines. About the Buffet You can indulge in FRIDAY Lunch: 11:00am – 3:30pm: $14/ *$13 Dinner: ADD 1.5 lbs Crab Legs to Dinner: 4:00pm – 11:00pm: $26 / *$24 $8 SATURDAY Breakfast: 7:00am – 10:30am: $12 / *$11 Lunch: 11:00am – 3:30pm : $14 / *$13 Dinner : ADD 1.5 lbs Crab Legs to Dinner: 4:00pm – 11:00pm: $26 / *$24 $8 SUNDAY Breakfast: 7:00am – 10:30am: $12 / *$11 Dinner: 11:00am – 9:00pm: $23 / *$21 *Present your Palace KiraTara: Nice daily special dinner on Friday! Crab legs. All you can eat!!!! Good deal) Shawn Rich: Endless Crab legs. Francine: My brother works at the casino so we always get a discount when we come. Fridays is all you can eat crab legs!!! Sign up to tell us what you like, and never miss a beat on finding the best places for you. Sign up with Facebook or Sign up with email. The 15 Best Hollywood Casino Gulf Coast — Dungeness and snow crab legs Friday night and all day Saturday and Sunday ($27.99) IP Casino Resort — Rock crab with buffet Friday, Saturday, Sunday ($24.99). To add... King Crab Legs at Boomtown Biloxi. The casino features an award-winning buffet with Alaskan King Snow crab and Jonah Crab, and the Overland Cafe serves steaks, seafood, po’ boys and more. Enjoy Boomtown’s famous King Crab legs Friday and Saturday nights. There also is a 24-hour grill and bakery. Then the Epic Buffet is the place for you. This all-you-can-eat casino buffet extravaganza is serving up endless delectable dishes for lunch and dinner. Plus, enjoy our weekly specials such as crab legs on Fridays, a rib roast and Sea Coast feast on Saturday and all-day brunch buffet on Sundays. *Must be 21 years of age or older to dine.

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CRAB LEGS, ALL YOU CAN EAT! from Potawatomi - YouTube

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which casino has crab legs on friday

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