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My thoughts and experiences after 5 years in Switzerland as an expat.

This might not be of much practical use to most of you, but I though it might be interesting to see the experience of an outsider. Especially as I am one of those evil anti-smoking expats that the community at 20min warned you about.
Originally posted here.
EDITED I clarified a few points that came up in the comments. So if a comment looks like they didn't read the text they actually did.
It is now just over 5 years since I (32/male) moved from the UK to Switzerland. There have been many surprises along the way. I moved here with a 1 year temporary contract and had vague plans to work, see the country at weekends, and then move on elsewhere after. During this time I have moved house, moved job, been unemployed for a few months, explored the country, met and worked with Swiss people from various parts of the country and Expats of various backgrounds, oh and gotten married to a Swiss person.
This is not an all out guide (there are plenty of those), more my reflections and a few lessons learned.
I have posted before after 1 year and after 2.5 years.I have also written pretty extensively about travelling here and Switzerland in general – an overview post of all that is here.
I came in knowing practically nothing other than a frantic check of anything I needed to do to avoid being kicked out.
  • The book “Living and Working in Switzerland : A Survival Handbook” by David Hampshire, is very useful.
  • Various dedicated websites with more serious official information sem.admin.ch, and Ch.ch, and to an extent websites like SwissInfo.
  • Various websites with more unofficial but helpful information. The EnglishForum.ch is a treasure trove of information and experiences. But there are endless other places like Newlyswissed, and Swiss and Chips that vary between useless fluff and very useful info.
---Why and how---
  • I did a PhD in the UK and as I was finishing it up and looking for a PostDoc I basically just got a job here in a place I had never heard of through chance by a chain of contacts. I had been looking to move abroad but for some reason Switzerland had never occurred to me.
  • Initially I arrived on a 1 year contract with Firm A, with the strong likelihood of it being extended to 2 years. It ended up as 2.5, by which time I was moved in with my girlfriend and I was set on sticking around. Job hunting was slower than I expected, so before starting on a new position at Firm B I applied to unemployment benefits for what turned out to be just a month (not sure I need to be so secretive really, but why not).
  • I basically just moved with my laptop and as much clothing as I could fit in a 60L backpack. I didn’t botheforgot to declare anything (not that I brought anything of any value with me).
  • I got lucky with housing, but that could have been the biggest problem. Initially I had been expecting to stay at a flat rented by the company for a month or two until I found my own place. This got cancelled at the last minute and I found myself trying to find a flat to move straight into. In the end I staying at a hostel for a week and moved into a shared flat found through WGzimmer.ch before the end of the week. There are not many shared flats where you can quickly jump in compared to the UK, and applying for a flat of your own often feels more like applying for a job or dating with the process dragging on for much longer than the “You like it? OK pay the deposit and sign here” method in the UK. Starting early and getting help from your company is certainly advisable there. The only time I ever use my Dr title is on job and housing applications.
---Bureaucracy, Rules, and Paperwork---
I had feared this would be a slow and complicated torture, but to date this has all been very quick, easy, and painless. In large part probably because I had a job already, I was an EU citizen, and I had an address lined up quickly. I know it gets more complicated for non-EU citizens.
  • Dealing with the local authorities has always been fast, efficient, and friendly. Other than collecting my residency permit every so often when a contract has been renewed I have only had to deal with them very periodically, but any phone call or visit has taken no more than 20 minutes with very little waiting. This might just be because I live in a small city – maybe in Zürich or a tiny village it is different.
  • I had a slight delay in getting my permit and bank account activated as I waited for the landlord to approve my place as subtenant and give me a contract for proof of address (despite the fact I was already living there). This didn’t create any problems, my firm just gave me an envelope stuffed with bank notes for my first payment.
  • Setting up a PostFinance bank account was easy (even with a language barrier then). 20 minutes of filling in a form and showing a few documents.
  • Despite the reputation for rules and order I have not noticed much difference to life in other industrialised western countries. If anything it is more relaxed in many ways. There are some stricter rules like having to use pre-taxed bin bags or minimal noise on a Sunday, but these are mostly reasonable enough. It is nice not hear endless lawn mower engines on a Sunday afternoon. The only rule that seems pointless is having to tie up paper in a perfect bundle for recycling. Maybe if I ever try and build a house or plan an extension the rules will get more complex and painful.
  • You are supposed to swap your driving licence within a year, or unable to drive in Switzerland and be made to repeat the test again if you want a Swiss licence. I didn’t apply at first given that I never intended to drive here or stay much longer at first. When I did apply after 2.5 years through the standard process (just to see what would happen) I actually did just get given a Swiss licence without being asked to go through the whole testing process.
  • The mandatory health insurance is easy enough to set up with all the big companies offering English support. I have mostly done the bare minimum I need to do here and have yet to start being truly Swiss and chasing the best deal every year. The cost is painful, but the health care system has always been efficient and effective for me.
  • Tax was originally paid at the source (as is standard for foreign workers up until you are on a C permit) which made life very easy there, but now being married and treated as a combined legal entity I am paying tax through the standard method.
  • Going through the marriage process was also easy. Being an EU citizen marrying a Swiss citizen helped. There was some confusion when they asked for a statement from the UK govt saying I was not married as this apparently has not been given out in years, but a quick chat resolved that problem. A British friend who married a non-resident Russian had a much harder time.
  • I make roughly 100k CHF per year. This is more than decent by Swiss standards. Given my education and experience I could get more in another firm/position here, but I am happy with my workplace and would be very reluctant to give up my scenic riverside commute by bike.
  • Saving money has not been a problem. Even bearing most of the household costs with a studying partner. Not having a car, pets, kids, or eating/drinking out much helps there. My main non-essential expense is the general train pass and food/accommodation costs for weekends around the country.
  • The high prices take some getting used to at first, but when you work here it isn’t so bad (once you learn to stop converting them back to your native currency). The positive side is that when you leave Switzerland everything is suddenly so cheap.
--- The Swiss ---
I like the Swiss.
  • I have never had any problems with the Swiss; despite the number of comments I see online bemoaning the fact that whilst Switzerland is a beautiful country it would be terrible to live in as the locals hate foreigners. I have never had a moment of hostility and experience less general rudeness than I would expect back home in the UK (even with language/culture barriers to push the patience).
  • I am however white, from a north-western European country which doesn’t have many expats in Switzerland, and educated (outside the expense of the Swiss people). So I am probably not going to be the target of much racism or xenophobia.
  • Whilst not the warmest people in the world there is a certain friendliness, especially in informal situations. Put a Swiss person in the countryside and they will be friends with anyone. In rural restaurants especially sharing a table with strangers and saying hello/goodbye to everyone there as a whole is standard practice.
  • I am amazed by how relaxed and trusting they can be. Once for example whilst eating outside at a quiet restaurant I asked for the bill and a coffee, the owner left the restaurant wallet on the table with me and went to get the coffee. Likewise I went to a bike shop I had never been in before, said I was interested in quickly testing a 3000 CHF mountain bike and they just handed it over and told me to have fun - no request for ID or anything.
  • I am also more on the introverted side so a quieter and orderly country is probably more my sort of place than some of the commenters.
---Making friends---
My friendship group is a mix of Swiss and other expats. It is easier to integrate with other expats, though I find that the younger generations of Swiss are much more open than the old jokes of knowing a Swiss person from birth or for 40 years to be their friend would suggest.
Moving in with a Swiss man of my age right away made this much easier. I basically got an instant friend and guide to all things Swiss.
I have written fairly extensively about Swiss-German before. Though I do like Swiss-German and I much prefer High-German with a Swiss accent to the standard German High-German.
  • I had some very basic German in the distance past from school. Then started learning before I arrived. Now I am B2/C1 with German and (very slowly) working towards A2 with French, with the aim of having at least some very basic Italian.
  • Oddly even living in a German speaking area it can be hard to use it, especially now not being out and about much. My work is in English and it is conducted between workers in German or whatever language most people in the meeting speak (which is typically English), my home life is mostly English as I met my wife when I didn’t speak much German and we got too used to speaking English together.
  • I didn’t need to get a language certificate (still don’t really). Partly I put it off thinking I would wait until the next level, and partly that the grammar and me are not friends. In the end the updated rules for my canton meant I needed evidence of my language skills to get a C permit rather than just staying on the B. So I have finally taken and passed the TELC B2 exam for German which more than covers everything I need (including citizenship). Long term I am thinking about aiming for certificates for C1 in German, B1 in French, and A2 in Italian – but those would just be to help set goals rather than be requirements.
  • The Swiss are very patient with language. I got one or two comments from shop workers that I should learn German if I was going to live here at first – but nothing that felt like it had any bad intention or resentment to it. If anything I have a problem getting the Swiss to speak German with me, many of them will switch to English as soon as they get a hint of my accent. I expect that in a touristy area like Interlaken, but it happens everywhere from the butcher to a remote farmhouse restaurant in the Jura. I am never quite sure if they are being polite, want to practise their English, or can't stand the idea of dealing with High-German.
  • As noted above English is very widely spoken.
  • If you live in a city and work in an international workplace then knowing the local language isn’t really needed. Once you have a flat and bank account all the interaction you need is self-service machines at the supermarket (and even those you can set to English). Though I certainly don’t recommend doing that.
  • It is natural to think that everyone here speaks German/French/Italian fluently (and maybe some Romansch), but that is far from the case. Some do have all 3, many are fluent in 2, but very often English is the preferred common language outside of their mother tongue. Likewise the way the language regions tend to have very hard borders without much overlap was a bit surprising at first. I often find that French speakers would rather (or can only) speak English rather than German.
  • Being in a country with multiple languages will never get boring. Especially somewhere that actually is bilingual like Biel where it isn’t uncommon for a shopkeeper to forget what language they were speaking to you in and switch from German to French.
  • Those bastard fancy landscape photos didn’t show the fog did they? From September to February temperature inversion means that much of the low lying middle of Switzerland can be sat in/under a thick fog. How bad this is varies by location; some places barely get any whilst others turn into Silent Hill for weeks on end. Already shorter winter days can be shortened by hours as the light is swallowed. The plus side is that above the fog you get super clear views, but it gets depressing after days of daily life sat inside it.
  • The country is much livelier than I expected. The stereotype of a grey serious place might have been true decades ago but certainly isn’t now. Especially in summer there are constant music festivals, lively bars, and flotillas of people floating down the rivers in inflatable flamingos. Granted it still isn’t Latin America.
  • I was not prepared for Swiss-German, my then basic German knowledge didn’t stand a chance. I have been working on this and managed to put together as comprehensive collection of resources as you are likely to find anywhere for Swiss-German.
  • Sometimes it feels like being back in time. Shops close early (or don’t open at all on Sunday) and at some cinemas they pause the film and have a 10 minute intermission. Things that went away in the UK before I was born.
  • The Swiss love to shake hands. For me they are something for the first time you meet someone, or maybe for professional acquaintances you see infrequently. Not for everyone in your group of friends at the start and end of the evening. Kids shaking hands with the teacher everyday is still a strange concept to me.
  • The Swiss see summer as BBQ season in a way that makes the Aussies look like amateurs. I have seen people lighting up fires on tiny balconies in Zürich to BBQ on.
  • How much there is outside of the Alps. Maybe it was my ignorance before, but I was surprised by how many beautiful spots there are even in the topographically boring parts of the country.
---My Swiss Achievements---
  • Aromat on the table.
  • Making a fire in the countryside to roast a cervelat.
  • Phoned the police to lodge a nose complaint (the Bünzli award). It was 2am on a weekday and the 5th night in a row. I haven’t started to phone the police because my neighbour sneezed too loudly on a Sunday (yet....).
  • Raclette grill and Fondue caquelon in the kitchen.
  • Waking up at 3am for the Morgestraich in Basel and tolerating other parts of Fasnacht like bands outside my window at 2am on a Tuesday morning.
  • Swimming and floating in lakes and rivers during the summer.
  • Visiting more places in Switzerland than most Swiss people I know. A new country is always more interesting than your own backyard in fairness.
---Why I am still here---
I certainly never thought I would be here 5 years later, but I am very happy to still be around.
  • It is a beautiful and safe county with nice people, high quality services and infrastructure. Having put in the effort to understand the culture and learnt the language is an incentive too.
  • I keep finding work. The Swiss level income is a nice bonus, but it really isn’t the thing that is driving me to stay here. I am not very career driven, so long as I have enough money to enjoy myself and find the work interesting enough I am happy.
  • The thing I would find hardest to give up is the freedom of the landscape. The extent of the paths and smaller roads around the country that are open to anyone is amazing. Making it so easy and carefree to get out and anywhere, especially by foot or bike.
  • It is much more varied than you would expect. Both in landscape and culture there is plenty of different things to see and take in so there is always something interesting to do.
  • I also dislike driving, so the extensive public transport system is fantastic.
  • The self-service machines in Supermarkets are actually used in addition to normal checkouts rather than a replacement. And they actually trust you and don’t weigh your goods and shout at you if anything is 1g out of place. It might sound like a strange point to be so happy about, but compared to the UK shopping experience these days it is so nice.
---What I dislike---
Not much.
  • Less smokers and more Australian like rules on smoking would be very nice (eg: no smoking in areas where people are eating, including outdoors). It would be nice to sit down on a terrace at a restaurant and not worry if a chain smoker is going to sit down at the table next to you.
  • I still have problems quickly picking the right coin out of a pile of change. Why half of them have to be so similar is beyond me, especially when the notes are so vivid and clear.
  • More exotic food and longer shop opening times would be nice (seeing the supermarkets closed at 18:30 was a hell of a shock at first) but I have gotten used to that. I don’t demand 24 hour shopping, but until 20:00 would be fantastic.
  • Jobs are mostly advertised without a salary, which you then discuss in the interview. For me at least this is rather awkward.
  • Not getting a language certificate earlier.
  • Not joining a social club. I have looked but nothing has taken my fancy.
---Changes with time---
  • I have gotten too used to the landscape. I still admire the view from the train window, but it is never as special or exciting as during the first few months.
  • My town has seen a dramatic increase in English speakers. Mostly due to the growth/arrival of a few big MedTech firms.
  • E-bikes are increasingly everywhere. I had never seen one before I arrived and was surprised to see them all over town back in 2015. Now they are all over the countryside too with mountain E-bikes being very common in places that were previously only the domain of the most hardcore riders.
  • The climate seems to be getting warmer and drier every year. The amount of snow in the flat land isn’t that different to the UK these days.
  • The amount of rubbish and anti-social noise (especially blue-tooth speakers) seems to be getting worse. People seem especially unable to bother carrying their empty cans and disposable BBQ with them from the riverside during summer. The increasing number of people (not even just teenagers) who need an absurdly loud speaker at all times is sad, thankfully it isn’t common in the countryside (yet).
submitted by travel_ali to Switzerland [link] [comments]

[Guide] A few thoughts after 5 years in Switzerland.

DISCLOSURE: This is my experience with the initial and long term move and adjustment that might be useful or at least interesting to other users. Links are either to my sub-reddit which I use as a blog/diary for my own amusement without any other compensation, and I have no affiliation with any of the linked external websites.
It is now just over 5 years since I (32/male) moved from the UK to Switzerland. There have been many surprises along the way. I moved here with a 1 year temporary contract and had vague plans to work, see the country at weekends, and then move on elsewhere after. During this time I have moved house, moved job, been unemployed for a few months, explored the country, met and worked with Swiss people from various parts of the country and Expats of various backgrounds, oh and gotten married to a Swiss person.
This is not an all out guide (there are plenty of those), more my reflections and a few lessons learned.
I have posted before after 1 year and after 2.5 years.I have also written pretty extensively about travelling here and Switzerland in general – an overview post of all that is here.
I came in knowing practically nothing other than a frantic check of anything I needed to do to avoid being kicked out.
  • The book “Living and Working in Switzerland : A Survival Handbook” by David Hampshire, is very useful.
  • Various dedicated websites with more serious official information sem.admin.ch, and Ch.ch, and to an extent websites like SwissInfo.
  • Various websites with more unofficial but helpful information. The EnglishForum.ch is a treasure trove of information and experiences. But there are endless other places like Newlyswissed, and Swiss and Chips that vary between useless fluff and very useful info.
---Why and how---
  • I did a PhD in the UK and as I was finishing it up and looking for a PostDoc I basically just got a job here in a place I had never heard of through chance by a chain of contacts. I had been looking to move abroad but for some reason Switzerland had never occurred to me.
  • Initially I arrived on a 1 year contract with Firm A, with the strong likelihood of it being extended to 2 years. It ended up as 2.5, by which time I was moved in with my girlfriend and I was set on sticking around. Job hunting was slower than I expected, so before starting on a new position at Firm B I applied to unemployment benefits for what turned out to be just a month (not sure I need to be so secretive really, but why not).
  • I basically just moved with my laptop and as much clothing as I could fit in a 60L backpack. I didn’t botheforgot to declare anything (not that I brought anything of any value with me).
  • I got lucky with housing, but that could have been the biggest problem. Initially I had been expecting to stay at a flat rented by the company for a month or two until I found my own place. This got cancelled at the last minute and I found myself trying to find a flat to move straight into. In the end I staying at a hostel for a week and moved into a shared flat found through WGzimmer.ch before the end of the week. There are not many shared flats where you can quickly jump in compared to the UK, and applying for a flat of your own often feels more like applying for a job or dating with the process dragging on for much longer than the “You like it? OK pay the deposit and sign here” method in the UK. Starting early and getting help from your company is certainly advisable there. The only time I ever use my Dr title is on job and housing applications.
---Bureaucracy, Rules, and Paperwork---
I had feared this would be a slow and complicated torture, but to date this has all been very quick, easy, and painless. In large part probably because I had a job already, I was an EU citizen, and I had an address lined up quickly. I know it gets more complicated for non-EU citizens.
  • Dealing with the local authorities has always been fast, efficient, and friendly. Other than collecting my residency permit every so often when a contract has been renewed I have only had to deal with them very periodically, but any phone call or visit has taken no more than 20 minutes with very little waiting. This might just be because I live in a small city – maybe in Zürich or a tiny village it is different.
  • I had a slight delay in getting my permit and bank account activated as I waited for the landlord to approve my place as subtenant and give me a contract for proof of address (despite the fact I was already living there). This didn’t create any problems, my firm just gave me an envelope stuffed with bank notes for my first payment.
  • Setting up a PostFinance bank account was easy (even with a language barrier then). 20 minutes of filling in a form and showing a few documents.
  • Despite the reputation for rules and order I have not noticed much difference to life in other industrialised western countries. If anything it is more relaxed in many ways. There are some stricter rules like having to use pre-taxed bin bags or minimal noise on a Sunday, but these are mostly reasonable enough. It is nice not hear endless lawn mower engines on a Sunday afternoon. The only rule that seems pointless is having to tie up paper in a perfect bundle for recycling. Maybe if I ever try and build a house or plan an extension the rules will get more complex and painful.
  • You are supposed to swap your driving licence within a year, or unable to drive in Switzerland and be made to repeat the test again if you want a Swiss licence. I didn’t apply at first given that I never intended to drive here or stay much longer at first. When I did apply after 2.5 years through the standard process (just to see what would happen) I actually did just get given a Swiss licence without being asked to go through the whole testing process.
  • The mandatory health insurance is easy enough to set up with all the big companies offering English support. I have mostly done the bare minimum I need to do here and have yet to start being truly Swiss and chasing the best deal every year. The cost is painful, but the health care system has always been efficient and effective for me.
  • Tax was originally paid at the source (as is standard for foreign workers up until you are on a C permit), but now being married and treated as a combined legal entity I am paying tax through the standard method.
  • Going through the marriage process was also easy. Being an EU citizen marrying a Swiss citizen helped. There was some confusion when they asked for a statement from the UK govt saying I was not married as this apparently has not been given out in years, but a quick chat resolved that problem. A British friend who married a non-resident Russian had a much harder time.
  • I make roughly 100k CHF per year. This is decent by Swiss standards. Given my education and experience I could get more in another firm/position here, but I am happy with my workplace and would be very reluctant to give up my scenic riverside commute by bike.
  • Saving money has not been a problem. Even bearing most of the household costs with a studying partner. Not having a car, pets, kids, or eating/drinking out much helps there. My main non-essential expense is the general train pass and food/accommodation costs for weekends around the country.
  • The high prices take some getting used to at first, but when you work here it isn’t so bad (once you learn to stop converting them back to your native currency). The positive side is that when you leave Switzerland everything is suddenly so cheap.
--- The Swiss ---
I like the Swiss.
  • I have never had any problems with the Swiss; despite the number of comments I see online bemoaning the fact that whilst Switzerland is a beautiful country it would be terrible to live in as the locals hate foreigners. I have never had a moment of hostility and experience less general rudeness than I would expect back home in the UK (even with language/culture barriers to push the patience).
  • I am however white, from a north-western European country which doesn’t have many expats in Switzerland, and educated (outside the expense of the Swiss people). So I am probably not going to be the target of much racism or xenophobia.
  • Whilst not the warmest people in the world there is a certain friendliness, especially in informal situations. Put a Swiss person in the countryside and they will be friends with anyone. In rural restaurants especially sharing a table with strangers and saying hello/goodbye to everyone there as a whole is standard practice.
  • I am also more on the introverted side so a quieter and orderly country is probably more my sort of place than some of the commenters.
---Making friends---
My friendship group is a mix of Swiss and other expats. It is easier to integrate with other expats, though I find that the younger generations of Swiss are much more open than the old jokes of knowing a Swiss person from birth or for 40 years to be their friend would suggest.
Moving in with a Swiss man of my age right away made this much easier. I basically got an instant friend and guide to all things Swiss.
I have written fairly extensively about Swiss-German before. Though I do like Swiss-German and I much prefer High-German with a Swiss accent to the standard German High-German.
  • I had some very basic German in the distance past from school. Then started learning before I arrived. Now I am B2/C1 with German and working towards A2 with French.
  • Oddly even living in a German speaking area it can be hard to use it, especially now not being out and about much. My work is in English and it is conducted in German or whatever language most people in the meeting speak (which is typically English), my home life is mostly English as I met my wife when I didn’t speak much German and we got too used to speaking English together.
  • I didn’t need to get a language certificate (still don’t really). Partly I put it off thinking I would wait until the next level, and partly that the grammar and me are not friends. I have finally taken the TELC B2 exam for German and am waiting on the results for that.
  • The Swiss are very patient with language. I got one or two comments from shop workers that I should learn German if I was going to live here at first – but nothing that felt like it had any bad intention or resentment to it. If anything I have a problem getting the Swiss to speak German with me, many of them will switch to English as soon as they get a hint of my accent. I expect that in a touristy area like Interlaken, but it happens everywhere from the butcher to a remote farmhouse restaurant in the Jura.
  • As noted above English is very widely spoken.
  • If you live in a city and work in an international workplace then knowing the local language isn’t really needed. Once you have a flat and bank account all the interaction you need is self-service machines at the supermarket (and even those you can set to English). Though I certainly don’t recommend doing that.
  • It is natural to think that everyone here speaks German/French/Italian fluently (and maybe some Romansch), but that is far from the case. Some do have all 3, many are fluent in 2, but very often English is the preferred common language outside of their mother tongue. Likewise the way the language regions tend to have very hard borders without much overlap was a bit surprising at first. I often find that French speakers would rather (or can only) speak English rather than German.
  • Being in a country with multiple languages will never get boring. Especially somewhere that actually is bilingual like Biel where it isn’t uncommon for a shopkeeper to forget what language they were speaking to you in and switch from German to French.
  • Those bastard fancy landscape photos didn’t show the fog did they? From September to February temperature inversion means that much of the low lying middle of Switzerland can be sat in/under a thick fog. How bad this is varies by location; some places barely get any whilst others turn into Silent Hill for weeks on end. Already shorter winter days can be shortened by hours as the light is swallowed. The plus side is that above the fog you get super clear views, but it gets depressing after days of daily life sat inside it.
  • The country is much livelier than I expected. The stereotype of a grey serious place might have been true decades ago but certainly isn’t now. Especially in summer there are constant music festivals, lively bars, and flotillas of people floating down the rivers in inflatable flamingos. Granted it still isn’t Latin America.
  • I was not prepared for Swiss-German, my then basic German knowledge didn’t stand a chance. I have been working on this and managed to put together as comprehensive collection of resources as you are likely to find anywhere for Swiss-German.
  • The Swiss love to shake hands. For me they are something for the first time you meet someone, or maybe for professional acquaintances you see infrequently. Not for everyone in your group of friends at the start and end of the evening. Kids shaking hands with the teacher everyday is still a strange concept to me.
  • The Swiss see summer as BBQ season in a way that makes the Aussies look like amateurs. I have seen people lighting up fires on tiny balconies in Zürich to BBQ on.
  • How much there is outside of the Alps. Maybe it was my ignorance before, but I was surprised by how many beautiful spots there are even in the topographically boring parts of the country.
---My Swiss Achievements---
  • Aromat on the table.
  • Making a fire in the countryside to roast a cervelat.
  • Phoned the police to lodge a nose complaint (the Bünzli award). It was 2am on a weekday and the 5th night in a row. I haven’t started to phone the police because my neighbour sneezed too loudly on a Sunday (yet).
  • Raclette grill and Fondue caquelon in the kitchen.
  • Waking up at 3am for the Morgestraich in Basel and tolerating other parts of Fasnacht like bands outside my window at 2am on a Tuesday morning.
  • Swimming and floating in lakes and rivers during the summer.
  • Visiting more places in Switzerland than most Swiss people I know. A new country is always more interesting than your own backyard in fairness.
---Why I am still here---
I certainly never thought I would be here 5 years later, but I am very happy to still be around.
  • It is a beautiful and safe county with nice people, high quality services and infrastructure. Having put in the effort to understand the culture and learnt the language is an incentive too.
  • I keep finding work. The Swiss level income is a nice bonus, but it really isn’t the thing that is driving me to stay here. I am not very career driven, so long as I have enough money to enjoy myself and find the work interesting enough I am happy.
  • The thing I would find hardest to give up is the freedom of the landscape. The extent of paths and smaller roads around the country that are open to anyone. Making it so easy and carefree to get out and anywhere, especially by foot or bike.
  • It is much more varied than you would expect. Both in landscape and culture there is plenty of different things to see and take in so there is always something interesting to do.
  • I also dislike driving, so the extensive public transport system is fantastic.
  • The self-service machines in Supermarkets are actually used in addition to normal checkouts rather than a replacement. And they actually trust you and don’t weigh your goods and shout at you if anything is 1g out of place. It might sound like a strange point to be so happy about, but compared to the UK shopping experience these days it is so nice.
---What I dislike---
Not much.
  • Less smokers and more Australian like rules on smoking would be very nice (EG no smoking in areas where people are eating, including outdoors). It would be nice to sit down on a terrace at a restaurant and not worry if a chain smoker is going to sit down at the table next to you.
  • More exotic food and longer shop opening times would be nice (seeing the supermarkets closed at 18:30 was a hell of a shock at first) but I have gotten used to that.
  • Jobs are mostly advertised without a salary, which you then discuss in the interview. For me at least this is rather awkward.
  • Not getting a language certificate earlier.
  • Not joining a social club. I have looked but really nothing has taken my fancy.
---Changes with time---
  • I have gotten too used to the landscape. I still admire the view from the train window, but it is never as special or exciting as during the first few months.
  • My town has seen a dramatic increase in English speakers. Mostly due to the growth/arrival of a few big MedTech firms.
  • E-bikes are increasingly everywhere. I had never seen one before I arrived and was surprised to see them all over town back in 2015. Now they are all over the countryside too with mountain E-bikes being very common in places that were previously only the domain of the most hardcore riders.
  • The climate seems to be getting warmer and drier every year. The amount of snow in the flat land isn’t that different to the UK these days.
  • The amount of rubbish and anti-social noise (especially blue-tooth speakers) seems to be getting worse. People seem especially unable to bother carrying their empty cans and disposable BBQ with them from the riverside during summer. The increasing number of people (not even just teenagers) who need an absurdly loud speaker at all times is sad, thankfully it isn’t common in the countryside (yet).
submitted by travel_ali to IWantOut [link] [comments]

Omni Slots Casino Review gratis spins and free bonus money!

Omni Slots Casino Review gratis spins and free bonus money!

Omni Slots Casino No Deposit Bonus
Here at Omni Slots Casino, you get 50 gratis spins after sign-up! Yes, it's a no deposit bonus upon successful registration. Besides, you get a hefty welcome bonus pack with 500 EUR and 100 free spins!
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About Omni Slots Online Casino

Keep On Spinning is Omni Slots slogan printed on the brand logo. And this slogan is well justified. Just imagine seeing over 500 pokies in the lobby and they are all yours! Hosting games from 10+ vendors, the reviewed gambling destination is a real paradise for Australian users who love pokies. Besides purely game content, Omni Slots has an omnidirectional bonus kit that comprises many types of bonuses, from reload deals to generous cashback, all neatly packed into a catchy monthly bonus calendar. Curious players who are set to improve their gambling skills and deepen their knowledge of gambling are encouraged to jump to the casino blog where over a hundred of relevant articles are posted. Signup process is nothing exceptional – it is safe, goes smoothly and requires the minimum personal details from a player. Once signed up, the player interacts with the casino straight in a browser, no app downloads needed. Findings reveal that Omni Slots have many positive ratings on professional forums, that is why the online casino cannot but be recommended to everyone.

Depositing and withdrawing funds

AUD and other currencies (bitcoins are not in the whitelist) can be deposited using any of the six safe and trusted methods including Visa, MasterCard, Neosurf vouchers, Skrill, Neteller and paysafecard. Min/max transaction limits at depositing are $10/$1000. The max deposit does not restrict the number of daily transfers.
Quite predictably, withdrawals are less comfortable than deposits because their choices are narrower with only Skrill, Neteller and bank transfer used. Anyway, Australians seem to have gotten used to tight cashout options and shrug off this inconvenience. The minimum amount that the player has the right to withdraw is $20. The max amount that the casino is able to process per day (per user) is $5000, but a monthly limit is $25,000. The pending period is 24 hours during which a player can revoke the cashout.
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Omni Slots mobile casino for Australians

When at home or out and away, Omni Slots is always at hand thanks to the well-designed mobile casino that fits almost every mobile device. Thanks to a wide variety of game providers present in Omni Slots, players have lots of HTML5 mobile-optimized pokie choices to suit everyone’s taste.

Video pokies

The casino has integrated some 500 pokies (and counting) from an array of famous providers such as Amatic, Betsoft, Gamomat, Leander, StakeLogic and Wazdan. Three-reel pokies are located in the Fruit Slots section, while 5-reelers are found in the Video Slots tab. First off, a noticeable downside to the game list arrangement is the lack of filters. There is one that helps readjust the list by provider yet it is hidden under the Looking Glass icon for some reason. Some gamblers may not guess to click on that icon because it looks like a Game Search widget.
Pokies from Betsoft are most numerous in the casino collection. Every game from this provider carries the mix of exciting gameplay and visual perfection more typical of modern animated cartoons. Being one of unmatched leaders in the field, Betsoft provides Omni Slots players with a big inventory of fabulous pokies which are full of fantastic bonus features. It is hard to pick the best pokie from many titles; apparently, most of them show excellence in many aspects. Anyway, some of the most tried and true titles are Gladiator, Good Girl Bad Girl, The Slotfather, Mega Gems and The Tipsy Tourist.
Pokies from Gamomat, a German company, are poorly promoted in Australia and they are almost unknown to the general public. Yet their portfolio deserves attention for a few reasons. First, Omni Slots offers Gamomat pokies of the Fire Pot series, among others. These games are known to have six progressive jackpots each: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and others. Second, there is a Golden Nights series that provides for a side bet that unlocks a unique bonus feature with huge prizes. Examples include Royal Seven, Book of Moorhuhn and Fruit Mania.
Leander’s pokies give other vendors some competition thanks to high-quality graphics and interactive bonus features. Some of the most sought-after solutions are Megadeth, Trick Or Treat and Little Pigs. Many of their games have 20 paylines but there are also pokies with 25, 30 and 40 variable lines. Wild symbols in Leander’s pokies usually bring high prizes, for example, in Jean Wealth, five wilds win x5000 times ($50,000 at max).
StakeLogic with their branded Megaways technology are a young and ambitious company offering a variety of highly animated pokies to Omni Slots users. Spectacular graphics and animations are combined with some interesting bonus solutions such as side-by-side games with double reels, double symbols and reel modifiers. Their pokies are on a par with the industry giants and even exceed them in some respect. The most enticing and incredible pokies from StakeLogic are Wild Genie, Space Stallion and Mystical Santa Megaways.
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Table games and live casino

The game of 21 comes in multiple variations including Super Fun 21, Pontoon, Vegas Strip, 21 Burn, Pirate 21 and others. Most games in the catalogue have side bets that pay out hefty wins. Concerning roulette, European, American and French tables are the centerpiece of the Table Games section, yet the casino also features some minor variations of this game such as Multi Wheel roulette and Common Draw roulette.
Live tables in the reviewed online casino are served by Pragmatic Play that offers the most popular table games with realistic and thrilling gameplay. Players get access to quick bets and full betting history, while enjoying the true atmosphere of land-based casinos. Their offer currently includes Live Roulette, Live Blackjack, Live Speed Roulette and Live Baccarat. Combining fun with impeccable state-of-the-art technologies, Pragmatic Play delivers highly immersive games to all AU users who have signed up with Omni Slots.

Omni Slots Casino Bonuses for new users

On depositing the qualifying sum, an Australian player will get a 100% first deposit bonus up to $300 plus 50 free spins. FS’s are not accrued automatically – to receive them, a player needs to send a message to the Support and let them know what kind of platform is used for playing (desktop or mobile). The WR for the welcome bonus is x35 (d+b), whilst FS winnings are subject to a WR of x50. Note that that the bonus is sticky. In addition, all new players who have placed $30 (or greater) to the casino balance are eligible for a 50% second deposit bonus up to $200 (plus 20 free spins) – this has the same WR as above.
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Bonuses and promotions for regular bettors

Players who deposited $20 in the previous week, may claim 10 free spins on Monday, and these bonus spins will be used on the pokie of the week handpicked by the casino. WR for free spins winnings are x50 and winnings are capped at $250.
Every first day of a month, the casino releases a Promotions Calendar that features reload bonuses, free spins, special bonus events, Pokie of the Week promotions, tournaments and other unique perks for each day of the month. The calendar is refreshed at the beginning of every month.

The bottom line on Omni Slots Casino

This is a legal and licensed online casino that invites Australian users to join in, claim two welcome bonuses and play over 500 pokies from a bunch of top-ranked providers. Banking methods are Australia-specific (bitcoins are noy accepted). Being a reliable place with fast and easy payouts, the online casino is recommended for visiting and playing at.
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Wild Tornado Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Wild Tornado Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Wild Tornado Casino Review & Bonuses
Create your account at Wild Tornado Casino and get exclusive welcome bonuses. First off, enjoy 25 free spins on registration! Next, get 100 free spins and 100% up to 1000 EUR on first deposit! Keep playing and depositing to qualify for further free cash and extra spins!
>> Get Free Bonus Here <<

About Wild Tornado Casino

The Wild Tornado Theme

Wild Tornado has a unique and colourful theme, but it’s also one that may seem familiar to you. As it happens, the Wild Tornado Casino layout is the same one used at Gunsbet Casino, which we have also reviewed here at Coinbuzz.
However, that really just covers the layout, including the placement of the menu options, the sidebar, the main graphics, games, and well, pretty much everything except for the finer details. The good news is that it’s still unique enough to work, with a theme that revolves around strong winds, manic bunny rabbits, and other eccentric visuals.
Like all good online casinos, the Wild Tornado theme runs much deeper than a few basic visuals. It’s something that you will see throughout the casino and something that also influences the promotions and the VIP Program, all of which we will cover in this Wild Tornado review.

Wild Tornado Casino Bonuses and Promotions

The Wild Tornado Welcome Bonus is one of the smallest we have seen on Direx online casinos. This includes the 2 BTC offered by KatsuBet Casino and the 4 BTCs available at CryptoWild. Even the smallest casinos tend to go all-out where their Bitcoin casino bonuses are concerned.
However, at Wild Tornado, players are limited to just $100. This comes in the form of a 100% Matched Deposit Bonus, with a minimum qualifying deposit of $20. You will also get a bundle of 100 Free Spins and these are released as batches of 20 over 5 days.
The second issue we have with this bonus is that it has a wagering requirement of 40x and this needs to be cleared in just 2 days. That’s not too difficult if you’re a high roller, but what about the players risking just $0.10 or $0.20 per spin? In fact, even if you do like to throw your money around, you’ll still need to spend some time on these requirements as there is a maximum bet of $1.
Other bonuses are available at Wild Tornado and these are offered to loyal players. At the time of writing, these offers are available every Monday, Saturday, and Sunday, and they include Free Spins, Reload offers, and Cashback. Check the Wild Tornado promotions page for more information and make sure you read the Terms and Conditions before you agree to anything.
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Loyalty Bonus

While the Wild Tornado Welcome Bonus isn’t very generous or rewarding, the Loyalty Scheme definitely is.
There are three versions of this bonus and they all offer something a little different. You can choose to be part of the Tornado, Lightning, or Storm level, and the one you choose will dictate whether you get weekly cashback, weekly cashback and comp points, or Free Spins.
There is no ideal option, but if you’re a small stake player, we recommend sticking with the Storm option and the Free Spin bonuses that goes along with it. For medium stake players, opt for Tornado. For high rollers, the Lightning may provide the best bonuses, as it offers much higher cash back rewards when you make it to the latter stages.
Visit the Wild Tornado VIP Program page to see a full list of loyalty prizes and options. Bear in mind that in addition to the cashback and spins listed here, you will also be offered additional Reload offers, Free Spins, and other prizes as you advance through the program.

Wild Tornado Casino Software and Games

The average online casino has around 500 to 1,000 real money slots and many have fewer than 100 table games. It’s a decent-sized collection and one that will appeal to most types of players, but once you’ve played at multiple casinos like this, you start seeing the same games time after time and it gets old fast.
At Wild Tornado, you have a lot more variety to explore. This top-rated crypto casino has over 3,000 real money slots and a massive 1,000 table games.
We’re not sure that we’ve ever seen a large collection of table games. In fact, we’re not even sure why you would ever need that many table games. But variety is good, and we’re not complaining.
These titles are provided by a host of highly-rated online casino developers, including a few player favourites like Yggdrasil Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Big Time Gaming, and Microgaming.
Wild Tornado also has a specific section for BTC Games. You can find the link for this section in the website’s footer, where it highlights games such as Geisha, Spin and Spell, Undying Passion, Donut Rush, and Signs of Fortune.
If you’re one of those players who has seen it all and you’re always looking for something new, we recommend sticking with the New Games section. This is where you’ll find all the latest slots by the casino’s 20+ developers. There is also a section for “Hot Games”, but as is often the case, these are just the games that the casino wants to highlight at that particular moment.
It’s like the Specials menu at a restaurant. They want you to think that the options are there because they are popular and/or special, but in reality, it’s just the stuff that earns the restaurant the most money.


  • Vast Selection of Games
  • Great Slots and Table Games
  • Top Support Options
  • Fast Withdrawals
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Wild Tornado Casino Payment Options

In recent years, there has been a trend towards charging fees for casino deposits. Casinos encourage players to use options like Bitcoin by charging a fee of between 1% and 3% for everything else, including Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, and Neteller.
Thankfully, there are no such issues with Wild Tornado.
The minimum deposit here is just €20, or the equivalent in your chosen currency, and like most Direx casinos, the maximum is fixed at €4,000. Also just like most Direx casinos, there is no maximum when you use Bitcoins. In fact, the site accepts payments through CoinsPaid, which is one of the easiest and fastest way to fund your account with Bitcoins.
Most methods require you to withdraw a minimum of €50, and Bitcoin is fixed to 0.001 BTC. This is very large and will no doubt be off-putting for traditional currency users, especially when you consider that the casino is geared up to appeal to small stake players. It’s even worse if you use iDebit, Bank Transfers or Instadebit, as the minimum withdrawals for these methods are fixed at €500.
On the plus side, while bank transfer withdrawals typically incur a fee, there is no such issue with Wild Tornado.

Everything Else

In the unlikely event that you have an issue with Wild Tornado, look for the “Complaints” link in the website footer. This will direct you to a contact form where you can vent about any issues you have with the site and its features. If this doesn’t work out for you and you have a genuine complaint, you can take it to a third-party website, as Wild Tornado typically makes an effort to respond to comments made on other sites (see below).
The Wild Tornado site can be displayed in 15 different languages, but 5 of these are different variations of English. These include Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian English. They all have their own unique quirks and spellings, and this makes the differences worthwhile, if not a little redundant.
Other languages include Spanish, Polish, French, German, and Russian, while currency options include Canadian Dollars, Euros, Russian Rubles, and Australian Dollars.
Wild Tornado is tightly regulated, incredibly secure, and uses advanced auditing features to ensure it is fair. All games have built-in RTPs and house edges and you can see these by clicking the little menu icon in the top corner. The same gamescreen that shows the payout info will also show you the game’s rules, paylines, features, and everything else you need to know.
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Wild Tornado Casino Mobile Support

Wild Tornado is very mobile friendly and uses instant play technology, which means you can play through your browser and don’t need to download an app. Some players still like to play downloadable casinos and mobile apps, but we feel that the majority are leaning towards instant play. It’s quicker, easier, and you don’t need to worry about compatibility issues because of your chosen operating system or device.
Just make sure you’re using a popular web browser and a device or computer that was made in the last ten years, and you should be good to go. When playing on mobile, you should also secure your device using a passcode or fingerprint/face and log out of the casino when you finish.
As long as you protect your device and play using a secure Wi-Fi connection, there should be no risks and no issues.
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Jackpot City Casino 100 free spins bonus Christmas Promotion

Jackpot City Casino 100 free spins bonus Christmas Promotion

Jackpot City Casino Xmas Bonus Wheel
Spin our Xmas Bonus Wheel and win up to 100 free spins to Jackpot City Casino! On top of that, get up to $1,600 free credits in welcome bonuses. That's probably the best Microgaming Casino Bonus out there!
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Jackpot City Casino has been home to frequent 'jackpots', since its inception in the year 1998. With more than 500 entertaining online casino games on the gaming menu, Jackpot City also offers lucrative bonuses and promotional offers so that you can make the most out of these games either while enjoying its web version or its free mobile download. Keeping a track of all the bonus offers can be daunting, thus, the experts of Casino Leader have compiled a comprehensive list, especially for you:

Jackpot City Casino No Deposit Bonus

Give a kick-arse start to your gambling journey at Jackpot City Casino with No Deposit Bonus. Claim this bonus offer in order to dive into a spectacular gaming adventure without burning a hole in your pocket. To know your share of No Deposit Required Offer, sign up for free with Jackpot City Casino.
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Jackpot City New Player Offer

Every new player at Jackpot City Casino is extended a warm welcome with its 100% Welcome Bonus worth $1,600 bonus credits. In order to claim the entire bonus value, opt-in to the promotional offer & get Free Bonus credits on your each of your first four deposits. No bonus/promo code is required in order to unlock this bonus promotion. But the best part about this casino is yet to come; the players from all over the world can enjoy its new player bonus. The sign-up offer for the players residing in some of the nations have been discussed below -

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for New Zealand Players

If you are a new online player residing in New Zealand, there is a humongous welcome offer waiting for you when you sign up for an account. This casino gives you a NZ$1600 Free bonus on your first four deposits at this casino. The bonus amount is divided among your first four deposits and is available as a 100% match deposit on each of these deposits. This means you get bonus credits on each deposit that you make. Is there anything else you could ask for?
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Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus For Canadian Players

Jackpot City Casino welcomes all the new players from Canada and offers them a thunderous new player offer with a chance to win a C$1600 bonus. This bonus is bifurcated among the first four deposits that the players make. A 100% match deposit bonus will be added to each of these deposits. The players just need to make a deposit and opt-in to the bonus to make sure they don't miss out on this exciting bonus. No promo code required

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for Australian Players

if you are a player residing in Australia, Jackpot City casino brings you a chance to enjoy free online pokies. Although the Jackpot City casino is not available in Australia for real money players, but the players can enjoy playing for fun by signing up for an account. The signup offer for the Australian players includes a chance to win a 200% match deposit up to 2000 Free Credits for fun.
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Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for Players From Argentina

The players hailing from Argentina also get to enjoy their share in the bonuses at Jackpot City casino. They can sign up for an account to win up to AR$56.000 on their first four deposits. A 100% match on the deposit will be given on all the deposits. All that needs to be done is login your account, make a deposit and bonus credits equal to the amount that you have deposited will be automatically credited to your account. But hey! Remember to opt-in to this promotional and don't let this amazing bonus slip away from your reach.

Daily, Weekly & Monthly Promotions of Jackpot City Casino

Jackpot City Casino has a plethora of Daily, Weekly & Monthly promotions in-store, to enhance your game-play. These bonuses give away rewards that range from Free Spins, cash and casino credits to gadgets, 5-star cruises, and exotic holidays. In order to know more about your share of daily, weekly, and monthly promotions, login to your real money account at Jackpot City Casino.
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Jackpot City Casino Match Bonuses

Jackpot City Casino offers Match Deposit Bonuses during the midweek and weekend. Claim these Match Deposit Bonuses in order to beat the monotony of of the mid-week and perk up your play on weekends. You'll be informed about your share of match via email or alert notification on your account. Also, you'll be required to fulfill certain wagering requirements to make a withdrawal of the bonus funds and winnings associated.

Jackpot City Loyalty Rewards Program

Get paid for your loyalty with Jackpot City Casino Loyalty Rewards Program as the more you play, the more loyalty points you earn; and these loyalty points/comp points are further redeemable for real cash. So, are you all geared up to convert your cash bets into cash back? If yes then navigate to Jackpot City Casino signup for a free real money account and place as many cash bets as you can!

Jackpot City Casino VIP Rewards Program

The red carpet of Jackpot City Casino is adorned with more Free Spins, casino credits and cash bonuses than the standard casino offers; and this carpet is exclusively rolled out for VIP players. Apart from these extra perks, a VIP player also gets to avail the personal assistance of VIP hosts at any point of time irrespective of day or night.
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<
submitted by freispiele to u/freispiele [link] [comments]



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A few more thoughts and experiences after 5 years.

It is now just over 5 years since I (32/male) moved from the UK to Switzerland. There have been many surprises along the way. I moved here with a 1 year temporary contract and had vague plans to work, see the country at weekends, and then move on elsewhere after. During this time I have moved house, moved job, been unemployed for a few months, explored the country, met and worked with Swiss people from various parts of the country and Expats of various backgrounds, oh and gotten married to a Swiss person.
This is not an all out guide (there are plenty of those), more my reflections and a few lessons learned.
I have posted before after 1 year and after 2.5 years.I have also written pretty extensively about travelling here and Switzerland in general – an overview post of all that is here.
I came in knowing practically nothing other than a frantic check of anything I needed to do to avoid being kicked out.
---Why and how---
  • I did a PhD in the UK and as I was finishing it up and looking for a PostDoc I basically just got a job here in a place I had never heard of through chance by a chain of contacts. I had been looking to move abroad but for some reason Switzerland had never occurred to me.
  • Initially I arrived on a 1 year contract with Firm A, with the strong likelihood of it being extended to 2 years. It ended up as 2.5, by which time I was moved in with my girlfriend and I was set on sticking around. Job hunting was slower than I expected, so before starting on a new position at Firm B I applied to unemployment benefits for what turned out to be just a month (not sure I need to be so secretive really, but why not).
  • I basically just moved with my laptop and as much clothing as I could fit in a 60L backpack. I didn’t botheforgot to declare anything (not that I brought anything of any value with me).
  • I got lucky with housing, but that could have been the biggest problem. Initially I had been expecting to stay at a flat rented by the company for a month or two until I found my own place. This got cancelled at the last minute and I found myself trying to find a flat to move straight into. In the end I staying at a hostel for a week and moved into a shared flat found through WGzimmer.ch before the end of the week. There are not many shared flats where you can quickly jump in compared to the UK, and applying for a flat of your own often feels more like applying for a job or dating with the process dragging on for much longer than the “You like it? OK pay the deposit and sign here” method in the UK. Starting early and getting help from your company is certainly advisable there. The only time I ever use my Dr title is on job and housing applications.
---Bureaucracy, Rules, and Paperwork---
I had feared this would be a slow and complicated torture, but to date this has all been very quick, easy, and painless. In large part probably because I had a job already, I was an EU citizen, and I had an address lined up quickly. I know it gets more complicated for non-EU citizens.
  • Dealing with the local authorities has always been fast, efficient, and friendly. Other than collecting my residency permit every so often when a contract has been renewed I have only had to deal with them very periodically, but any phone call or visit has taken no more than 20 minutes with very little waiting. This might just be because I live in a small city – maybe in Zürich or a tiny village it is different.
  • I had a slight delay in getting my permit and bank account activated as I waited for the landlord to approve my place as subtenant and give me a contract for proof of address (despite the fact I was already living there). This didn’t create any problems, my firm just gave me an envelope stuffed with bank notes for my first payment.
  • Setting up a PostFinance bank account was easy (even with a language barrier then). 20 minutes of filling in a form and showing a few documents.
  • Despite the reputation for rules and order I have not noticed much difference to life in other industrialised western countries. If anything it is more relaxed in many ways. There are some stricter rules like having to use pre-taxed bin bags or minimal noise on a Sunday, but these are mostly reasonable enough. It is nice not hear endless lawn mower engines on a Sunday afternoon. The only rule that seems pointless is having to tie up paper in a perfect bundle for recycling. Maybe if I ever try and build a house or plan an extension the rules will get more complex and painful.
  • According to most sources I have read you are supposed to swap your driving licence within a year, or unable to drive in Switzerland and be made to repeat the test again if you want a Swiss licence. I didn’t apply at first given that I never intended to drive here or stay much longer at first. When I did apply after 2.5 years through the standard process (just to see what would happen) I actually did just get given a Swiss licence without being asked to go through the whole testing process. I have seen evidence that it is a 5 year grace period, and that some people have done it closer to 10. Just swap it in the first year to be safe.
  • The mandatory health insurance is easy enough to set up with all the big companies offering English support. I have mostly done the bare minimum I need to do here and have yet to start being truly Swiss and chasing the best deal every year. The cost is painful, but the health care system has always been efficient and effective for me.
  • Tax was originally paid at the source (as is standard for foreign workers up until you are on a C permit) which made life very easy there, but now being married and treated as a combined legal entity I am paying tax through the standard method.
  • Going through the marriage process was also easy. Being an EU citizen marrying a Swiss citizen helped. There was some confusion when they asked for a statement from the UK govt saying I was not married as this apparently has not been given out in years, but a quick chat resolved that problem. A British friend who married a non-resident Russian had a much harder time.
  • I make roughly 100k CHF per year. This is more than decent by Swiss standards. Given my education and experience I could get more in another firm/position here, but I am happy with my workplace and would be very reluctant to give up my scenic riverside commute by bike.
  • Saving money has not been a problem. Even bearing most of the household costs with a studying partner. Not having a car, pets, kids, or eating/drinking out much helps there. My main non-essential expense is the general train pass and food/accommodation costs for weekends around the country.
  • The high prices take some getting used to at first, but when you work here it isn’t so bad (once you learn to stop converting them back to your native currency). The positive side is that when you leave Switzerland everything is suddenly so cheap.
--- The Swiss ---
I like the Swiss.
  • I have never had any problems with the Swiss; despite the number of comments I see online bemoaning the fact that whilst Switzerland is a beautiful country it would be terrible to live in as the locals hate foreigners. I have never had a moment of hostility and experience less general rudeness than I would expect back home in the UK (even with language/culture barriers to push the patience).
  • I am however white, from a north-western European country which doesn’t have many expats in Switzerland, and educated (outside the expense of the Swiss people). So I am probably not going to be the target of much racism or xenophobia.
  • Whilst not the warmest people in the world there is a certain friendliness, especially in informal situations. Put a Swiss person in the countryside and they will be friends with anyone. In rural restaurants especially sharing a table with strangers and saying hello/goodbye to everyone there as a whole is standard practice.
  • I am amazed by how relaxed and trusting they can be. Once for example whilst eating outside at a quiet restaurant I asked for the bill and a coffee, the owner left the restaurant wallet on the table with me and went to get the coffee. Likewise I went to a bike shop I had never been in before, said I was interested in quickly testing a 3000 CHF mountain bike and they just handed it over and told me to have fun - no request for ID or anything.
  • I am also more on the introverted side so a quieter and orderly country is probably more my sort of place than some of the commenters.
---Making friends---
My friendship group is a mix of Swiss and other expats. It is easier to integrate with other expats, though I find that the younger generations of Swiss are much more open than the old jokes of knowing a Swiss person from birth or for 40 years to be their friend would suggest.
Moving in with a Swiss man of my age right away made this much easier. I basically got an instant friend and guide to all things Swiss.
I have written fairly extensively about Swiss-German before. Though I do like Swiss-German and I much prefer High-German with a Swiss accent to the standard German High-German.
  • I had some very basic German in the distance past from school. Then started learning before I arrived. Now I am B2/C1 with German and (very slowly) working towards A2 with French, with the aim of having at least some very basic Italian.
  • Oddly even living in a German speaking area it can be hard to use it, especially now not being out and about much. My work is in English and it is conducted between workers in German or whatever language most people in the meeting speak (which is typically English), my home life is mostly English as I met my wife when I didn’t speak much German and we got too used to speaking English together.
  • I didn’t need to get a language certificate (still don’t really). Partly I put it off thinking I would wait until the next level, and partly that the grammar and me are not friends. In the end the updated rules for my canton meant I needed evidence of my language skills to get a C permit rather than just staying on the B. So I have finally taken and passed the TELC B2 exam for German which more than covers everything I need (including citizenship). Long term I am thinking about aiming for certificates for C1 in German, B1 in French, and A2 in Italian – but those would just be to help set goals rather than be requirements.
  • The Swiss are very patient with language. I got one or two comments from shop workers that I should learn German if I was going to live here at first – but nothing that felt like it had any bad intention or resentment to it. If anything I have a problem getting the Swiss to speak German with me, many of them will switch to English as soon as they get a hint of my accent. I expect that in a touristy area like Interlaken, but it happens everywhere from the butcher to a remote farmhouse restaurant in the Jura. I am never quite sure if they are being polite, want to practise their English, or can't stand the idea of dealing with High-German.
  • As noted above English is very widely spoken.
  • If you live in a city and work in an international workplace then knowing the local language isn’t really needed. Once you have a flat and bank account all the interaction you need is self-service machines at the supermarket (and even those you can set to English). Though I certainly don’t recommend doing that.
  • It is natural to think that everyone here speaks German/French/Italian fluently (and maybe some Romansch), but that is far from the case. Some do have all 3, many are fluent in 2, but very often English is the preferred common language outside of their mother tongue. Likewise the way the language regions tend to have very hard borders without much overlap was a bit surprising at first. I often find that French speakers would rather (or can only) speak English rather than German.
  • Being in a country with multiple languages will never get boring. Especially somewhere that actually is bilingual like Biel where it isn’t uncommon for a shopkeeper to forget what language they were speaking to you in and switch from German to French.
  • Those bastard fancy landscape photos didn’t show the fog did they? From September to February temperature inversion means that much of the low lying middle of Switzerland can be sat in/under a thick fog. How bad this is varies by location; some places barely get any whilst others turn into Silent Hill for weeks on end. Already shorter winter days can be shortened by hours as the light is swallowed. The plus side is that above the fog you get super clear views, but it gets depressing after days of daily life sat inside it.
  • The country is much livelier than I expected. The stereotype of a grey serious place might have been true decades ago but certainly isn’t now. Especially in summer there are constant music festivals, lively bars, and flotillas of people floating down the rivers in inflatable flamingos. Granted it still isn’t Latin America.
  • I was not prepared for Swiss-German, my then basic German knowledge didn’t stand a chance. I have been working on this and managed to put together as comprehensive collection of resources as you are likely to find anywhere for Swiss-German.
  • Sometimes it feels like being back in time. Shops close early (or don’t open at all on Sunday) and at some cinemas they pause the film and have a 10 minute intermission. Things that went away in the UK before I was born.
  • The Swiss love to shake hands. For me they are something for the first time you meet someone, or maybe for professional acquaintances you see infrequently. Not for everyone in your group of friends at the start and end of the evening. Kids shaking hands with the teacher everyday is still a strange concept to me.
  • The Swiss see summer as BBQ season in a way that makes the Aussies look like amateurs. I have seen people lighting up fires on tiny balconies in Zürich to BBQ on.
  • How much there is outside of the Alps. Maybe it was my ignorance before, but I was surprised by how many beautiful spots there are even in the topographically boring parts of the country.
---My Swiss Achievements---
  • Aromat on the table.
  • Making a fire in the countryside to roast a cervelat.
  • Phoned the police to lodge a nose complaint (the Bünzli award). It was 2am on a weekday and the 5th night in a row. I haven’t started to phone the police because my neighbour sneezed too loudly on a Sunday (yet....).
  • Raclette grill and Fondue caquelon in the kitchen.
  • Waking up at 3am for the Morgestraich in Basel and tolerating other parts of Fasnacht like bands outside my window at 2am on a Tuesday morning.
  • Swimming and floating in lakes and rivers during the summer.
  • Visiting more places in Switzerland than most Swiss people I know. A new country is always more interesting than your own backyard in fairness.
---Why I am still here---
I certainly never thought I would be here 5 years later, but I am very happy to still be around.
  • It is a beautiful and safe county with nice people, high quality services and infrastructure. Having put in the effort to understand the culture and learnt the language is an incentive too.
  • I keep finding work. The Swiss level income is a nice bonus, but it really isn’t the thing that is driving me to stay here. I am not very career driven, so long as I have enough money to enjoy myself and find the work interesting enough I am happy.
  • The thing I would find hardest to give up is the freedom of the landscape. The extent of the paths and smaller roads around the country that are open to anyone is amazing. Making it so easy and carefree to get out and anywhere, especially by foot or bike.
  • It is much more varied than you would expect. Both in landscape and culture there is plenty of different things to see and take in so there is always something interesting to do.
  • I also dislike driving, so the extensive public transport system is fantastic.
  • The self-service machines in Supermarkets are actually used in addition to normal checkouts rather than a replacement. And they actually trust you and don’t weigh your goods and shout at you if anything is 1g out of place. It might sound like a strange point to be so happy about, but compared to the UK shopping experience these days it is so nice.
---What I dislike---
Not much.
  • Less smokers and more Australian like rules on smoking would be very nice (eg: no smoking in areas where people are eating, including outdoors). It would be nice to sit down on a terrace at a restaurant and not worry if a chain smoker is going to sit down at the table next to you.
  • I still have problems quickly picking the right coin out of a pile of change. Why half of them have to be so similar is beyond me, especially when the notes are so vivid and clear.
  • More exotic food and longer shop opening times would be nice (seeing the supermarkets closed at 18:30 was a hell of a shock at first) but I have gotten used to that. I don’t demand 24 hour shopping, but until 20:00 would be fantastic.
  • Jobs are mostly advertised without a salary, which you then discuss in the interview. For me at least this is rather awkward.
  • Not getting a language certificate earlier.
  • Not joining a social club. I have looked but nothing has taken my fancy.
---Changes with time---
  • I have gotten too used to the landscape. I still admire the view from the train window, but it is never as special or exciting as during the first few months.
  • My town has seen a dramatic increase in English speakers. Mostly due to the growth/arrival of a few big MedTech firms.
  • E-bikes are increasingly everywhere. I had never seen one before I arrived and was surprised to see them all over town back in 2015. Now they are all over the countryside too with mountain E-bikes being very common in places that were previously only the domain of the most hardcore riders.
  • The climate seems to be getting warmer and drier every year. The amount of snow in the flat land isn’t that different to the UK these days.
  • The amount of rubbish and anti-social noise (especially blue-tooth speakers) seems to be getting worse. People seem especially unable to bother carrying their empty cans and disposable BBQ with them from the riverside during summer. The increasing number of people (not even just teenagers) who need an absurdly loud speaker at all times is sad, thankfully it isn’t common in the countryside (yet).
submitted by travel_ali to ali_on_switzerland [link] [comments]

Spin Casino - free spin no deposit bonus (Multi Win Wheel)

Spin Casino - free spin no deposit bonus (Multi Win Wheel)

Spin Casino Free Play and Bonus Wheel
Get one no deposit free spin on Multi Win Wheel at Spin Casino! Here you can win up to 100 extra free spins on Microgaming slots and a $1000 free money bonus on all games, including jackpots and live dealer. Are you ready to spin and win with us?
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Claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €400,-

At Spin Casino you will also be welcomed with a generous deposit bonus. Every new player can claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €400,-. You can trigger this bonus by making a minimum deposit of €10,-. This means Spin Casino will double every deposit you make between €10,- and €400,-. When you for example make a €150,- deposit, you will receive a €150,- bonus. In this case, you can start playing with a €300,- total balance. On top of this, you will receive the money you have collected during your 50 free spins.
Bonus funds at Spin Casino are subject to a 50 times wagering requirement. This wagering requirement is only for the bonus, and not for the deposit. When you for example make a €100,- deposit, you will get a €100,- bonus. In this case, you will need to wager 50 x €100,- = €5.000,-. All bonus money you win during your free spins will also be subject to a 50 times rollover requirement. In the bonus terms and conditions on the promotions page, you will find all the important terms and conditions. Below we have summed up to most important ones.

Significant bonus terms and conditions

  • New customers only;
  • 18 years and older;
  • Minimum deposit amount to trigger bonus is €10,-;
  • Maximum bonus is €300,-;
  • All deposit bonuses have an x50 wagering requirement;
  • Only available first 7 days after opening account;
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Reload your account with two €300 match-up bonuses

In addition to a generous €400,- welcome offer Spin Casino offers you the chance to reload your account with a bonus twice. During both your second and third deposit you can claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €300,-. This offers you the chance to grab another €600,- in bonuses. All in all this means you can claim up to €1.000,- in bonuses at Spin Casino.
Please note the welcome offers at Spin Casino are only valid during the first 7 days counting from the day you have opened your account. The reload bonuses are available for all new customers who make a deposit of €10,- or more. The reload offers are also subject to a 50 times wagering requirement. Have a look at the bonus terms and conditions for more information.

Significant bonus terms and conditions

  • New customers only;
  • 18 years and older;
  • Minimum deposit amount to trigger bonus is €10,-;
  • Maximum bonus per deposit is €300,-;
  • All reload bonuses have an x50 wagering requirement;
  • Only available first 7 days after opening account;
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Game portfolio Spin Casino

At Spin Casino you will find a wide range of casino slots. All in all the casino offers over 600 Microgaming slots. This includes all popular titles such as Thunderstruck, Break da Bank, Immortal Romance, and Ariana. When you launch the ‘’Vegas’’ part of Spin Casino you will find more slot games. This includes the full line of NetEnt slots. These amazing slot games are very popular with desktop and mobile players. A few of the most played NetEnt slots are Starburst, Jack Hammer, Gonzo’s Quest and Steam Tower. When you open the lobby you will be able to view the full line of available video slots.

Table games

Spin Palace offers besides slots various other quality online casino games. You will for example be able to hit it big on one of the many Microgaming progressive jackpot slots. All of these jackpots can get huge and some of them even exceed 10 million euros from time to time. Some of the most popular jackpot slots at Spin Palace are;
  • Mega Moolah;
  • Cash Splash;
  • King Cashalot;
  • Major Millions;
  • Tunzamunni;
In addition to these titles, Microgaming offers loads of other jackpot games such as Fruit Fiesta, Jackpot Deuces, LotsaLoot, Poker Ride, and Treasure Nile. You will be able to enjoy these jackpot slots on any type of device. Although this is the case I think most players prefer to play these on desktop. The main reason for this is that the older design of most of these games doesn’t really show well on mobile screens.
One other game type where Microgaming is famous for are table games. In the lobby you will find a very extensive list of table games. These games usually offer interesting payouts and high RTP’s. Because of this, they are popular with most high rollers in online casinos. Some of the most popular games in Spin Palace Casino are;
  • Blackjack;
  • Baccarat;
  • Roulette;
  • 3 Card Poker;
  • Craps;
  • Hold’em High;
  • Red Dog;
And there is plenty more. Only Blackjack is already available in Atlantic City, Classic, Spanish, European, and Vegas Strip style. On top of this the game portfolio offers many variety games such as Card Climber, Flip Card, High Speed Poker, Multi Wheel Roulette and Cyberstud. You can enjoy most of these games using a limit varied from €2,- up to €1.000,- per hand. This makes them perfectly suitable for players with both a small and big gambling budget.

Video Poker

You will find video poker games at most online casinos and Spin Palace is no exception. This is a good thing since many online players love to play these types of games. All in all Spin Palace offers a portfolio of around 30 different video poker games. This includes different variants of video poker such as ‘’gold series’’ and ‘’multi-hand’’. Below you will find an overview of some of the available games. Enter the lobby to have a look at the full range.
  • Aces & Eights Poker
  • Aces and Faces
  • All Aces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better Poker
  • All American
  • Bonus Poker
  • Deuces & Joker Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker

Live Casino

While collecting your deposit bonuses at Spin Casino you will also be able to play a thrilling collection of live casino games. Spin Live is home to the full range of live dealer games by Evolution Gaming. This includes the traditional table games, but also the newer exciting game shows. The more traditional games include Live Blackjack, Live Roulette, and Live Baccarat. On top of this, you can play the Lightning version of some games which enhance the maximum win up to x500 per number. The selection of game shows offers more fun orientated games including Live Dream Catcher and Monopoly Live. I recommend launching Spin Live to view the full range of available games.

Sports and e-sports betting (in-play)

To provide you in all your gambling needs Spin also offers Spin Sports, Spin In-Play and Spin e-Sports. Using Spin Sports you can place bets on upcoming sports events. Since the sportsbook offers the most dynamic markets you will be able to enjoy great odds at any time. The sportsbook offers a wide range of sports to bet on. This includes Football, Tennis, Basketball, American Football, Hockey and more. Because of this you will be able to bet on all huge sporting leagues. Some of the most popular sports events are the NFL Championships, the Australian Open, the Premier League, FA CUP and UFC. When you open your free account at the sportsbook today you will be able to enjoy a free bet up to €200,-.
Using Spin In-Play you can bet on sports events that happen right now (live). This section of Spin is getting more and more attention lately. The main reason for this is that they offer a wide range of markets to bet on. In addition to this odds are above the market standards and the amount of sports events is increasing every month. As a new customer, you can also enjoy a free bet up to €200,- at Spin In-Play. Terms apply.

Significant bonus terms;

  • Only available during your first deposit;
  • New customers 18+ only;
  • The maximum value of your free bet is €200,-;
  • Minimum deposit of €10,- is required.
  • Wagering requirement is x5 at minimum odds of 1.3;
One last piece of the Spin platform I would like to mention is Spin e-Sports. Although e-Sports is still an upcoming phenomenon in online betting it is already available at Spin. You can now bet on various international gaming events. Some of the most popular games to bet on are Counter-Strike, Overwatch, League of Legends, Starcraft, Dota 2 and Rainbow Six. Spin e-Sports always offers the best available odds and many secure payment options. This makes it a great choice for everyone who like to try a bet on their favourite gaming events. All e-Sports bettors are now also eligible to claim a €200,- free bet during their first deposit.
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Mobile gambling

People who enjoy some mobile action from time to time won’t be disappointment at Spin Casino. Using your smartphone or tablet you can easily get access to the mobile casino. This includes Android, iOs and other types of devices. In the mobile casino, you will find the regular selection of games and all the other functionalities. This includes slots, table games, live casino games, and betting. You can also make easy and secure deposits and withdrawals in the mobile casino. This ensures you will always be able to enjoy some spins while on the go or during your lunch break.

Loyalty Club; Enjoy many rewards at Spin Casino

From the moment you start playing at Spin Casino you will be able to collect points for the available loyalty program. Using the loyalty program you can enjoy many benefits and exclusive rewards. Every time you wager money on any of the available games you will be collecting points. These points are exchangeable for bonus credits. You can use these bonus credits to play games in the casino for free. In addition to these bonus credits you will also be able to enjoy;
  1. Tailored bonus offers just for you;
  2. Faster ways of earning new loyalty points;
  3. A dedicated account manager;
  4. Quicker support and fasted payments;
Depending on how often you play at Spin Palace you will be able to reach various loyalty levels. New players will be in the bronze loyalty tier. After this tier you can upgrade to the silver, gold and platinum tier. On top of these regular loyalty levels there are two more very exclusive loyalty levels. Players who reach the Diamond or Privé levels will enjoy countless benefits. When you sign up your account now and deposit you will be awarded with a Loyalty boost of 2.500 points. Claim them now to reach the bronze level.


A unique thing about Spin Palace is that the casino is available in countless languages. This makes the casino customer-friendly and understandable for players from across the globe. The main language of the website is English. But by using the menu you can switch to other languages. Spin Palace for example offers its website in France, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, Latvian, Japanese, Thai, Greek, Arabic, Korean and Lithuanian. In addition to this most international languages are available for specific countries. Spin Palace for example offers Canadian English, New Zealand English and Irish. In my opinion, it is very user friendly that the casino has translated their website into so many different languages.


Spin Casino offers you various safe payment options to upload funds to your account. All payments are very secure since Spin Casino utilizes the latest encryption technology to make sure all details are safe. Open the cashier to view all available payment solutions for your geo. Depending on the country where you are living you will find a wide range of local and international payment methods. This includes VISA, VISA Electron, Mastercard, Interac, Skrill, Trustly, iDebit and Neteller. Most of these payment options are available from as low as €10,- per transaction. In addition to euros Spin Casino also accept other currencies. This includes Canadian Dollars, US Dollars, and Great British Pounds.
When you are ready to cash out money you can request a payout. Simply visit the cashier and enter the number of funds you want to withdrawal. Once done your withdrawal will be approved within 24 hours in most cases. Only when extra verification is required this can take longer. When your withdrawal is accepted it will be paid instantly or within a few days. This all depends on the withdrawal method you have selected. Transfer to e-Wallets such as Skrill and Neteller are instant. Payment to credit or debit cards can take between 1 and 3 business days. If you have any questions regarding your withdrawal you can contact the 24/7 support desk.
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At Spin Casino they are very proud of their well-trained and knowledgeable support agents. If you have a problem or question you should definitely contact them. The support department is available all day long. Even during holidays! Simply pick one of the support methods and enjoy top quality support 24/7/365. For me, the easiest way to get support is the live chat. Through the live chat, you can type your question and send it. Once done, a support agent will respond within a few minutes. In most cases, this should be an easy way to solve most questions. If you have a more complicated question you can also send an email. The support inbox of Spin Casino is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). In general, you will receive a response within 24 hours after sending an email.
submitted by freispiele to u/freispiele [link] [comments]

Golden Crown Casino 100 free spins and $1000 free bonus code

Golden Crown Casino 100 free spins and $1000 free bonus code

Golden Crown Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Register at Golden Crown Casino and enjoy the best Australian pokies online! In addition, get 100 free spins and $1000 in welcome bonus. No bonus code needed! No download required! Fast pay and play for both, desktop and mobile players!
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Golden Crown Casino Review

Players are always looking for fresh new brands to hit a huge jackpot with. Within those new brands, there are few that can actually offer great gaming experience, exquisite UX, wonderful design features, juicy bonuses, amazing jackpot opportunities and a fantastic game selection that will allow them topick their favorite games. Golden Crown Casino is one of those few brands that can do all of this right off the bat. As a new casino, this brand has everything players are looking for to sweeten their day and provide the kind of refreshing gaming experience that is so elusive.

Golden Crown Games Selection

Although 1200 games might not sound like much, it is a wonderful starting point for a new brand that is bound to add hundreds of games in the weeks and months to come. Golden Crown Casino also has 16 software providers in the meantime, but it is quickly achieving notoriety which will allow the brand to bring more providers into the fray. Golden Crown Casino has a good game selection already, with a wide variety of games that covers: slots, roulette, blackjack, live dealers and jackpot games. Within those categories, Golden Crown Casino has selected the games with the lowest house edge available to attract more players and make sure that they have the best chances of winning big.
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Players will find that the bonuses that Golden Crown Casino has available are among the best in the industry. Apart from that juicy 100% welcome bonus of up to $1000 and 100 Free Spins, Golden Crown Casino offers reload bonuses from Sunday to Friday. These reloads can be claimed every day of the week. They will grant players an incredible 50% bonus of up to $1000 dollars on their deposit. Few other brands have such generous reload bonuses, but that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the perks that Golden Crown Casino offers. Players will also be able to take advantage of the wonderful VIP club that this brand offers from the first bet they place onwards. Golden Crown Casino’s VIP program allows players to accumulate points on every bet that they place. These points can be converted into real money to gamble with.

Golden Crown Customer Service

Exceptional customer care is the calling card of Golden Crown Casino. Its staff is professional and knowledgeable. They are also available on a 24/7 basis through email and live chat.
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Golden Crown Withdrawals

Given the fact that Golden Crown Casino is a crypto casino, all deposits and withdrawals go through the respective blockchain of the cryptocurrency that the player chooses to use. This makes payments and withdrawals fast and easy. Golden Crown Casino’s staff only checks withdrawal credentials to make sure the funds will reach their rightful owner at all times. This is part of their protocol to keep funds safe. Golden Crown Casino complies with the highest standard of security in the industry, allowing players to spin for a jackpot without worries.


It is not easy to make it in such a crowded market like the crypto casino market. Nevertheless, new brands like Golden Crown Casino, as much as they are rare, have everything it takes to make it all the way to the top. This brand distinguishes itself within the industry thanks to its generous bonuses, wonderful UX and phenomenal customer care. Players who try it will surely stay and grow together with the brand.
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submitted by freespinsgratis_com to u/freespinsgratis_com [link] [comments]

Roku Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Roku Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Roku Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Register at Roku Casino and get a 100% bonus and 100 free spins on first deposit. Additionally, receive daily free spins without deposit, cashback promotions and free bonus codes! Click on the bonus link below and find out more. Good luck!
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Join Roku Casino and receive 100 free spins welcome bonus! In addition, enjoy a 100% bonus on your very first deposit! This casino is licensed in Curacao which means a very friendly gambling commission. Also, it means that you can play safe, win big money, and enjoy tax-free payouts. Good luck!
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Roku Casino at a Glance

Sophistically designed Roku Casino out stands at first sight. Its website is easy to navigate, offering +1000 games for you to enjoy. is not only a casino games platform. If you love some sports betting, here you can find it too. Live dealer games are also available.And they all come from the best providers within the industry, such as NetEnt, Play’n Go, and Microgaming, to name a few. This brand new online casino was established in 2020 and is already available in +20 countries around the globe, although supports only a few currencies.Ready to know more about Roku Casino? Continue reading to find everything about this new stylish casino.

Roku Casino Welcome Bonus

Welcome Bonuses are a must-have in every decent online casino. Roku Casino couldn’t do any different.Any new player can claim this deposit offer. Using it, you can extend your credits up to €600 for players inside Europe.If you don’t live in a European country, check the Roku Casino website to know what is the Welcome Bonus offer that is waiting for you.After choosing which payment method suits you best, make your first deposit. Your bonus money will be added to your player’s account immediately.
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FIRST DEPOSIT: 100% Match Bonus up to €100 If you decide not to take this new casino bonus, you can reject it and use the money you deposit as you wish.
  • Minimum deposit: it depends on the payment method and on the currency chosen.
  • Wagering requirements: 50x the bonus amount.
Please, read the Terms & Conditions of the bonus before making your first deposit.

Other Casino Roku Casino and Promotions

Roku Casino offers not only bonuses for slot machines and table games, but also promotions for sports betting lovers, for example. If you are one of them, don’t hesitate to check Roku Casino’s website and claim your bonus!Apart from being a brand new casino, Roku Casino allows its players to participate in its Loyalty Program and get rewards for every level achieved.

Roku Casino Loyalty Club

As soon as you register into the casino, you’ll become a Rookie. This means you are one of the freshest players on the house.Depositing into your gaming account and playing the games you like the most will make you earn loyalty points. The more you get, the better the rewards.It is like Roku Casino asks you as soon as you land on its Loyalty Club page: if you have what it takes to rise up to the top, you can become a Goat – the highest level on the casino.The prizes are generous. You can cash your points for free spins, free bets and cash bonuses.
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Roku Casino Withdrawal Review

There’s a lot of payment methods for players to choose from, including AstroPay, Bitcoin, ecoPayz and Visa, to name a few. Unlikely the wide range of banking options, there are a few currencies available to deposit and withdraw while enjoying Roku Casino games.You can use only Turkish lira, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Euro and American Dollars. The transaction time is instant for deposits and can take up to 24 hours after the withdrawal request was approved.
  • Standard currencies accepted: EUR, TRY, AUD, CAD and USD
  • Minimum deposit: it varies according to the method, from €10 to €500
  • Minimum withdrawal: €100

Deposits & Withdrawal Methods Available at Roku Casino

As mentioned before, Roku Casino offers a wide range of payment methods for its players. You can choose between credit/debit cards, e-Wallets and cryptocurrency. The variety offered by Roku Casino is a great asset for its players. You won’t have to worry about it.

Enjoy +1000 Casino at Roku Casino

There are +1000 games available on Roku Casino! Also, the best is yet to come: if you enjoy playing other games than casino slots and table cards, you have just found your place.Roku Casino thought about the sports lover, so have a look at a full list of Roku Casino games below:


Slot machines and jackpots are very popular within the iGaming industry, so Roku Casino wouldn’t launch without them in its game selection.Its slots are hosted by some of the software providers’ leaders, such as NetEnt, IGT, Microgaming and Betsoft, amongst others.

Live Casino Games

If you like to spin the Roulette, try your skills at Blackjack and Poker, or just to try your luck at Bingo? At Roku Casino, you have all of that and more.When it comes to live dealer games, Evolution Gaming is well-known for offering the best ones in the industry. So you can enjoy the most wanted and played live casino games offered by Evolution.

Card Games

If you don’t want to play live casino games, you can still play Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat and Poker. Roku Casino has a good selection of card games waiting for you. Therefore, you can have fun for hours even if its presented by live dealers.
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Sports Betting

If you are a fan of sports, you are in the right place. Roku Casino has a variety of sports bet. They allow you to personalise your markets, choosing the global areas where you would like to place your bets.A wide range of sports available, such as football and basketball, just to name a few.

Software Developers Found at Roku Casino

Even although Roku Casino is as fresh as a Rookie in a new casino, the company works with the best software providers in the iGaming environment.Like you read it before, this new online casino works with not only NetEnt, Microgaming and IGT, but also with Betsoft, Pragmatic Play, Novomatic and, obviously, Evolution Gaming.We guarantee you won’t be disappointed when looking at the full list of software providers found at Roku Casino.

Look & Feel of Roku Casino

As soon as you access the Roku Casino page, you will feel like the richest person in the world. Extremely sophisticated and beautifully designed, Roku Casino website is quite an evening concert at Las Vegas.Its navy blue and golden colours combined with a touch of sparkling purple will fascinate you.Besides that, the website is extremely easy to navigate. All the information you need is separated by categories on the homepage.The website is available in only English and Turkish, but everything stands out clearly. So you won’t have any issues when using the website.

Licenses & Restricted Countries

Roku Casino is operated by the Abudantia B.V., which is licensed and regulated by Curacao eGaming.As expected for having an offshore license, there are some restricted countries. U.K, Aruba, Belarus, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain and the United States of America are some of the forbidden territories to play from.>> Claim Free Spins No Deposit Bonus <<

Customer Support

Anyone who needs help can contact the casino customer support team via live chat or email. You can also check the FAQs page to see if your doubts are listed there.
  • Supported Languages: English and Turkish
  • Opening hours: 24/7
  • Phone: No
  • Live Chat: 24/7
  • Email: [email protected]

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EmuCasino 50 free spins no deposit bonus for Canada

EmuCasino 50 free spins no deposit bonus for Canada

EmuCasino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
At EmuCasino Canada, new players get 50 no deposit free spins and a 100% bonus on the first deposit. Visit our exclusive landing page with this special offer. All new players welcome. No bonus code required!
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If you haven’t ever played at EmuCasino or at least heard of these guys before, you must have been living under a rock for the past few years. Introduced in 2012, the casino had slowly started building quite a reputation, based on a large selection of top-quality games provided by some of the most powerful players in the online casino software niche.
Even though the name and all the other visual clues strongly suggested these guys have strong ties to Australia, there were some radical changes that took place at the beginning of 2020.
It may come off as a bit strange to name a casino after the emu bird at first, but despite the obvious geographical connections, this peculiar animal is actually deprived of its ability to move backward and it can endure the most extreme conditions and situations, so there’s even more symbolism right there.
Alas, the latest set of changes doesn’t really reflect the forward-thinking they were so eager to embrace so far…
This change will only affect punters who try to access the site from Australia, and it will operate as normal to all the other players who access from outside of Australia.
Aside from these, there really isn’t that much to complain about, as the casino offers quite a capable online betting platform that works on both mobile and desktop devices, while their palette of promo offers will satisfy even the most discerning bonus hunters out there.
Let’s pop the hood open and check what these guys have to offer to the non-Australian gambling world, shall we?
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Promotional Offers

This is one of the areas where this venue shines the brightest, as they really know how to throw a good party.
First of all, they will welcome you with some extra spins, so how cool is that? Not only they give off some casino spins, they also provide you with an opportunity to try out the casino before deciding whether you want to stay for good. With each new player registration, there is a symbolic extra spins bonus that can be used on some games.
If you decide you like what you’ve seen, you will be greeted with hefty match deposit bonuses for your first three deposits, which is quite generous in our book.
Is your birthday today? Just send out some documents to confirm it and you will receive your free birthday gift! If you’re into gamification, you will be delighted to hear that there are always Casino Races available.
Last but not least, it comes as no surprise that they have a custom progressive VIP club to reward their most loyal customers. It is based on EmuPoints which can be collected with various actions on their site, including registration, daily logins and gameplay, depositing, and games wagering.
You can always track your points rather easily, but you can also spend them at the EmuShop. Depending on what you prefer, you can exchange your EmuPoints for extra spins, deposit bonuses, cash rewards, and various other prizes such as exclusive trips.
This club is tiered, and each tier comes with its own set of perks and goodies, including a different web interface, bespoke gifts, personalized customer support, prioritized withdrawals, invites to exclusive events, exclusive promo offers, bonuses, and more. The tiers include Newbie, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Elite.
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EmuCasino Games

There are hundreds and hundreds of games available at EmuCasino, and they are provided by some of the flashiest names in the online casino software industry. Probably the best bit about their extensive games lobby is that it features quite a comprehensive filtering system, so you can choose between Featured Games, Most Played, or Most Rewarding, in case you don’t know where to begin.
Also, you can browse the games by theme, including Sports, Lifestyle, Fantasy, Entertainment, Culture, Adventure, Action, and Old Skool.
Still, it all boils down to several categories that we’ve grown to see in online casinos all around the globe, so they include Pokies (that’s Australian for video slots, in case you didn’t know), Jackpots, Blackjack, Roulette, Video Poker, and Other Games.

Supported Devices and Platforms

In 2015, EmuCasino has been thoroughly revamped and that’s when they had introduced the new platform which works equally well on both desktop and mobile devices.
Nowadays, you can access the casino from Windows, Android and iOS devices, and the same goes for all desktop and laptop computers. You can easily switch between any of these, as the design is streamlined and made to work equally well across all platforms.
Reaching the site, logging in, and playing all your favorite games has never been this easy, and you can do so on the go. Take it all with you, and possibly even score some cash while being stuck in a traffic jam, waiting in line, or simply while relaxing on a park bench.
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Banking Methods

As usual, we always expect reputable online casinos to provide us with as many different payment options as possible, and that’s exactly the case over here.
First off, the list of accepted currencies includes Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Euro, British Pound, US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Swedish Krona, Norwegian Krona, New Zealand Dollar, and Bitcoin.
When it comes it placing a deposit, you can rely on the usual slew of deposit or credit cards from MasterCard, Maestro, and Visa. Sure, if you prefer banking methods that are a bit more modern, you will be glad that they accept deposits made with Neosurf and Neteller. Keep in mind that each method has its own max deposit limitations, but the minimum deposit is always limited to 10 EUR.
Those who choose the methods that provide unmatched levels of anonymity usually go for some of the prepaid voucher cards, and if that’s your thing you can use your UPayCard and PaySafeCard here.
Last but not least, it’s good to know that these guys are definitely a forward-thinking bunch, as they will also accept deposits made by using Bitcoin.
The situation is a bit different when it comes to making withdrawals after you’ve scored some cash. You can only rely on VISA credit or debit cards, while e-wallet and voucher users can now only use EcoPayz, MyNeosurf, and UPayCard.
Of course, Bitcoin is still an option, but there is also another one that isn’t available for depositing, and that’s bank transfer. Minimum withdrawal for MyNeoSurf and bank transfers is 50 EUR, while all the other methods have it capped it at 20 EUR. Maximum withdrawal is 2,500 EUR, except for bank transfers, where it’s much higher at 10,000 EUR.
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Customer Support

Customer support is one of the most important aspects of all online betting venues, and it is definitely a good idea to include a nicely laid and out and comprehensive FAQ page. Over here users can find answers to most of their questions without ever reaching out to the casino staff, which saves a lot of time both to users and customer support agents.
Luckily enough, these guys are well aware of all the advantages a proper FAQ page offers, so they’ve included one on their site. Over here you will find questions neatly segmented into several main categories, including General, Player Accounts, Bonuses And Promotions, Deposit And Withdrawals, and Casino Games.
In case these simply don’t cut it for you, then you will need to reach out to the customer support agents, and when that’s the case, there are two options available at your disposal.
First off, you can fill out a form on their site and send in your inquiry. They claim that the agents are operational 24/7, so they should get back to you as soon as possible.
Still, if your matters are rather urgent and you can’t sit around waiting for their response, it’s good to know that they also have an excellent live chat platform. Over there, you can type away all of your issues in a matter of mere minutes.
Once they did have phone support as well, but that simply isn’t the case anymore.
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EmuCasino does have an operating license, but their site doesn’t state which one. There are many trustworthy and reliable certificates that confirm these guys do care about their customers.
Besides that, they have a very neat and sweet page on responsible gaming, where they will teach you how to gamble responsibly and show you all the different options including limitations and self exclusion. Also, there are links and further info on various support groups such as Gamblers Anonymous, Gambling Therapy, Gambling Help Online, and more.
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Playluck Casino 100 gratis spins and 100% free bonus code

Playluck Casino 100 gratis spins and 100% free bonus code

Playluck Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Collect 100 Gratis Spins when you register at Playluck Casino! Next, get your first deposit bonus which is 100% up to 500 EUUSD. That's not all! Active players at Playluck Casino also benefit from daily re-load bonuses, cashback promotion and loyalty porgram.
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About Playluck Casino


PlayLuck is an online casino made for players who like to take their chances. The key word here is 'luck' as it defines something that is elusive yet real, invisible yet possible. This casino can open up hundreds of avenues that players can take towards discovering their lucky game. PlayLuck Casino specializes in online slots, but they are quite serious about table and card games too, both virtual and played against a real dealer. New players can claim the PlayLuck casino bonus and discover the best possible way of exploring a unique online casino. Thanks to a fast and secure website, the gaming experience is seamless and available on computers, mobile devices and tablets.
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Online Slots

The list of games goes on and on. It is impossible not to find a game that is top quality, entertaining, has bonus features and good payouts. Even though PlayLuck Casino has all of the best new games that are published on the site as they are released, they still hold on to dozens of excellent classic games, such as Starburst.
All of the notable new releases can be found on the main page by selecting the Featured Games button. The overall selection of games includes various styles, such as megaways, ways to win, cluster payouts, cascading/avalanche wins, classical/fruit slots and more.
Also worth noting is that PlayLuck casino has multiple jackpot slots and games where players can buy an instant bonus feature. Especially interesting is the first category because some of these games can trigger payouts that are over 10,000x multiplied by the bet. Slots with lower volatility are present aplenty, which don’t come with huge payouts but can still provide prizes that are decent.

Casino Games

In terms of the selection of casino games, PlayLuck casino can't boast with huge numbers, however, the 30+ virtual casino games include the most popular games, and few that are for a specific niche of players, such as the game Solo.
Players can find more than just few variants of blackjack, roulette, baccarat, casino patience, deuces wild and jacks or better.
Over in the Live Casino area of the site, the selection is a lot more robust, with several dozen games that cover the range of most popular live dealer options, from roulette to blackjack to casino hold'em. The variants are plenty, but there are also unique games such as DragonTiger, Lightning Dice, Dream Catcher and Monopoly Live.
When it comes to who supplies more than 500 slots on PlayLuck, we've discovered it is only the most exciting companies at the moment. Some of the big names are Play'n GO, NetEnt, BetSoft and Quickspin, but there are smaller studios too and the list keeps growing.
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Welcome Bonus and Promotions

PlayLuck has a sizeable bonus offer that can take new players on the perfect online casino adventure with up to €500 match bonus and 100 lucky spins.
It all starts with making the first deposit, which comes with a 100% match up to €200 plus 20 extra spins. The second day is primed with a 50% match on the deposit up to €100 plus 30 spins, which is repeated for day three.
The fourth day there is yet another 100% match on the deposit, for up to €100 plus 20 spins. The best part about it is, those who have enjoyed the first bonus can continue playing without claiming the second part of the offer.
This is not the only promotion at PlayLuck casino, as there are multiple promotions that are available to account-holders. Also, special offers come via email quite often, so it's impossible not to have a good deal around when you've decided to claim one and play.
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VIP/Rewards Program

On our journey testing for the PlayLuck Casino review, we've found six VIP levels that are available to all players. Becoming part of the program is free of any charge. Players who've already signed up and made a deposit are enrolled in the point-collecting program. Over time points do accumulate and become redeemable as special offers.
For example, players at the Bronze level get 4 free games on Free Play Sunday. At the silver level, the number of spins becomes 10. Few levels up, the premium level comes with express cash out, 50 free games and other perks.

Mobile Experience and Design

The players who sign up and play at PlayLuck will discover a regal site with a well-organized layout and cool design features. Everything there can be found with ease, as the four major categories that the players visit are at the very top of the page.
The list of slots is just two mouse-scrolls or swipes on the device screen, as are the various gaming tabs that include Featured Games, New Slots, Classic, Table Games, Scratch Cards and All Games.
Another super-fun detail is that the big wins that have been scored by players are posted on the website. Not only can visitors see the amounts that have been won lately, but also the names of the slot games. This can possibly give you an idea what game you may want to play next.
Worth noting is that all games are able to play on mobile and there is no need to download software or apps. The games load directly from the website, which makes for seamless gaming experience that players can take on the go.
>> Claim your free bonus here <<

Payment Methods

Players can make deposits and withdrawals by using more than 12 different services with a global reputation. Some of those that are available are Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, NETeller, EcoPayz, PayPal, Euteller, and Paysafecard.
There is a number of country and region-specific methods that enable transactions in the country's currency: Instadebit (Canada), ZImpler (euro and kroner), AstroPay Card, Interact and other.
Some of the currencies that are represented are: Brasilian real, euro, dollar, Chillean peso, Danish krone, New Zealand and Australian dollar and more.

Support & Security

Those who’ve signed up at PlayLuck Casino have an account name/email and a password. Logging in requires matching the correct information, which enters an encrypted protocol. Making deposits and withdrawals is also secure, as each of the money-transferring services have their own encryption and security frameworks. According to the website, personal data is kept for identification and promotional purposes and not shared with external parties.
Getting in touch with the help desk is possible via Live Chat, by selecting the tab on the right-hand side of the screen, or by navigating to the contact page, where players can also use the email form to send a message to PlayLuck Casino.
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PlayLuck runs on the Aspire Global network that aggregates a variety of online from different providers and styles, all of which is available to players in the UK and many other countries. The highlight of the casino is the new bonus offer for new players, which leads to regular promotions and bonuses for account holders. Best way to get a taste of PlayLuck is to actually play there.
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Jackpot City Casino 50 free chances on MEGA DIAMOND (no deposit bonus)

Jackpot City Casino 50 free chances on MEGA DIAMOND (no deposit bonus)

Jackpot City Casino Free Play Bonus
Get 50 Free Spins on MEGA DIAMOND slot now! Register account with Jackpot City Casino and enjoy a no deposit bonus. Next, get a 400% up to $1600 welcome bonus. No bonus codes needed!
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Jackpot City Mobile App

Just log in to your account like you do on desktop when you want to play on mobile. There’s no need to download an app. Real money mobile gambling is protected using the same SSL data encryption technology that makes the main online casino safe and secure.
The game selection is still large on mobile, and several of the big progressive jackpots that help the casino live up to its name are available to play on Android and iOS. Most slots, table games and some mobile video poker games are also included. These can all be found in the lobby when visiting the site from your mobile or tablet.
The graphics effortlessly adapt to your mobile screen regardless of make or model. We tried playing on iPhone 7s, Samsung Galaxy s10 and Huawei p30 without any issues. The navigation menu on the bottom of the screen is great for easy access to games, chat functions and live support.Compatible devices

Jackpot City Bonus Offers

All new players can take advantage of the eye-catching $1,600 sign up bonus offered at Jackpot City. The 50x wagering requirement is high, but on the plus side only the bonus, not your deposit, is considered in determining the playthrough.
Once the required wagering is complete, the deposit, bonus, and any winnings are all yours to keep. The players getting the most out of this deal are by far the slots players, as all slots contribute 100% to the wagering requirements.
Jackpot City is known to update its bonuses regularly, so make sure you check out the casino site for the most up-to-date information. If you’re an avid player you can take advantage of the midweekly and weekend match bonuses that Jackpot City give out. These promotions are based on how much and how often you gamble, so they’re custom made to suit each player.
You can also find other prize-packed promotions at Jackpot City, where you can win anything from exotic holidays to 5-star cruises and cool gadgets.
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VIP Program

How to join the VIP program

As soon as you join Jackpot City you’re rewarded with 2,500 loyalty points and added as a bronze-level member of the VIP program. You earn one loyalty point for every €/£/$1 you bet on the site and this is how you increase your points. Just remember that only cash wagers contribute towards the loyalty points- bonus credits don’t.
You can use the points to claim bonuses, free spins, free credits and wagering cash as you play. You’re also free to use your loyalty points in Jackpot City’s sister casinos Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune and Mummy’s Gold Casino.

What benefits do you get?

As a member of the VIP program you’ll get access to exclusive bonuses, free spins, a personal VIP host who’s available 24/7, free spins, and many other benefits. You can see all the details in the table below, including how many points you need to reach each level.
The default bonuses could be higher for the first levels of the program, but Jackpot City’s VIP program is great as it gives all players a chance to enter, and you get other excellent bonuses and daily specials.
To be able to stay as a VIP, and to reach the higher levels, you have to continue betting on the site. You also have to keep the minimum loyalty points required to stay within your points bracket, and if you don’t have enough points by the end of the month, you’ll go down a level.

Best Games at Jackpot City

Jackpot City casino has over 630 casino games, including more than 430 slots to choose from. The casino even offers regional and country-specific games such as Australian pokies and UK style pub fruit machines.
You can enjoy over 70 different table games, and Jackpot City has an exceptional selection of 34 blackjack games with many varieties such as multiplayer or European blackjack. Of course there’s baccarat, poker, roulette, and many more for you to play. They’re all listed in the table below, and you’ll also find the most played games at Jackpot City.
Your latest games and your most played are automatically saved in the casino lobby, so you’re able to play in an instant. With such a wide range of games it’s easy for both new and seasoned players to find a game to suit their level and preference.
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Live Dealer Games

The live dealer games at Jackpot City casino are powered by multiple award-winning Evolution Gaming. You can easily interact with the friendly live dealers via HD video streaming, or you can chat with other players around the table using the live chat function. The sound quality is crisp and without any unnecessary background noise, and the 3D animations are well-defined and clear. Evolution Gaming’s live dealers are true professionals who make sure there’s a nice atmosphere around the table while the game is in play.
When playing live roulette and baccarat you can enjoy an immersive and dynamic feeling with the use of multiple cameras, one for the live dealer and three, or more, just around the wheel/table. If you like to multitask you can play multiple live games at the same time by clicking the +tables button.
The live casino is fully optimised for mobile play and the live mobile games are supported by all iPhone and iPad devices, as well as most Android phones and tablets.

Software Providers

Microgaming, one of the world’s most awarded software providers, powers the casino games at Jackpot City. They are well known for creating the latest developments in online casino technology and won the EGR Awards 2019 for their ‘constant innovation with very high-quality software’. The company is held in high regard for safety, being well respected for continuously building new safety measures to keep the casinos and players safe.
You can download the user-friendly software for full access to all of the games. Downloading and setting up your account should take just a few minutes. The downloadable version also offers plenty of options for customizing speed, audio, and more.
An alternative is to play in no-download mode, which has fewer games but offers flexibility in that you can use any browser to play.
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Safety & Fair Play

Jackpot City is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority, EU regulated and eCOGRA certified. These credentials confirm that the casino is safe and secure, takes care of its players and complies with laws and regulations. Your gaming is protected using the same SSL data encryption technology that makes the main online casino safe and secure. This means that no third party can access any information you’ve shared with the casino.
The eCOGRA certification proves that the casino offers players fair gaming opportunities. Jackpot City always ensures a fair chance of winning through the use of a random number generator. The most recent eCOGRA report noted that the payouts on all casino games averaged 96%.

Deposit & Withdrawal Options

Banking at Jackpot City Casino is safe, secure, and super-fast. Most withdrawals at Jackpot City casino are processed within 24-48 hours, which is outstanding and makes the casino one of the fastest amongst its competitors. The minimum deposit and withdrawal are $10, and there’s no maximum withdrawal limit.
From testing the casino, speaking with our players and looking at the previously mentioned eCOGRA report, it’s clear that the casino has improved from a few years ago, when it received some negative feedback regarding payout times. The casino is paying out on time, and you now have more withdrawal options than ever to choose from.

Customer Support at Jackpot City Casino

Jackpot City’s average response time for emails is 48 hours, which is good for any issues that are not time-sensitive. You can talk to the customer service reps in several languages, all listed below, 24/7.
If you call you will first have to go through the standard steps of getting to the right department, which can take a few minutes. When we spoke to the reps they were all very friendly, and they managed to solve our issues right away. That’s definitely a plus in our book. The live chat is quick and hassle-free. You only have to confirm your account and then they can help you out with your issues.


If you love playing slot games you should definitely check out Jackpot City. There are over 430 excellent titles to choose from and a very generous welcome bonus to get you started playing. With licenses and credentials from MGA and eCogra you know this is a safe and secure casino to play at.
You also have more than 100 other casino games to play, including live dealer games from Evolution Gaming. And of course, the best progressive jackpots – it’s called Jackpot City for a reason.
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<
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